Page 8 - Telecom Reseller November December 2015
P. 8

Telecom Reseller

Telecom Reseller
November/December 2015

continued from page 1
Higher Education + Technology = ACUTA

Group e ort reduces development costs for “With OPNFV [Open Platform for NFV],
suppliers as participants gain the experience
we can bring together all of the open-source u 
and expertise of a crowd-sourced approach.
components and hardware in a baseline As a CIO, it is important for
• Professional networking at its best 
 is can impact investment strategy, shi ing it con guration, add our use-case-speci c and/ me to be a part of a group of happens at the face-to-face events and via the listserv/community. We provide opportunities to connect o
and from a company owning a complete platform to or proprietary components, validate that they’re people who strive to con nually with people who can help you succeed.
t the concentrating e orts on the most important areas all interoperable and share insights and results evolve as knowledgeable technology professionals.
• High-quality education features presenters at seminars and 
for its customers and use cases.
of our testing with the rest of the industry,” I know of no be er organiza on conferences who are experts in the eld.
Open source also enables faster time to Don Clarke, Principal Architect, CableLabs, to be a part of than ACUTA.
• Valuable publications bring critical information to you in a timely, 
yees market, streamlining or eliminating many steps commented in a recent research report on how Keith Fowlkes Director of Informaon Technology pro-active way.
y to in the traditional standardization model.  is open source can speed the deployment of NFV Services and CIO • Online resources give you access to solutions that will help you meet r
is key to operators exploiting one of the biggest and SDN.
Centre College
the needs of your campus faculty, staff, and students.
advantages of virtualization – getting new, • Professional development opportunities abound at ACUTA, 
pri- revenue-generating services out there fast and giving you experiences that will help you grow professionally and advance f 
di erentiating their o ers.
Open source also enables faster time your career.
pany Second, open source can enable greater 
yee? multivendor interoperability than the traditional to market, streamlining or eliminating o 
ticle standardization model because it creates de Questions: Call Amy at (859) 278-3338.
facto standards by suppliers, network operators many steps in the traditional Connecting Campus IT Professionals with Ideas and Solutions
Join Today!
and others collaborating on common needs and 
standardization model.

 en suppliers, network operators and end Inc.
users such as enterprises can build proprietary Connect and Communicate
functionality on top of that foundation as a way 
to di erentiate their products or better meet 
unique internal needs.  ese add-ons represent 
both a problem and an opportunity. For example, ONICS DOES IT ALL!
the add-ons are opportunities for suppliers to 
compete on something other than price, but they 
risk undermining interoperability with dozens of 
semi-compatible forked versions of the open- 
source code.
 ird, open source can increase network 
security by allowing more people to scrutinize 
the underlying code. Previously telecom 
networks have relied partly on ‘security by 
obscurity’– using vendor-speci c code running 
on purpose-built hardware, which few people WE BUY 
understood well enough to tamper with.
Making open-source code public might sound YOUR EXCESS
counterintuitive regarding better security, but
it can reduce risks. For example, a network 
operator or enterprise no longer depends on a 
single vendor’s diligence. Instead, more eyeballs 
increase the likelihood of identifying and  xing 
 aws before hackers  nd them.
“Most people who have looked at the issue – 
and this is across any open-source project – have 
concluded that open source is inherently more 
secure than proprietary,” says Neela Jacques, 
Executive Director, OpenDaylight. “Look at 
Linux versus Windows.”
Fourth, Ken Dilbeck, Vice President of 
Collaborative R&D, TM Forum, points to a 
cultural shi  among so ware developers that 
is furthering the acceptance of open-source 
solutions. “Engineers going through college 
participate in open-source environments and TRAINING
it becomes an innate part of their culture.  ey 
look to open source  rst and then do other 
things. As they become the backbone of our 
development organizations, they are bringing 
that culture with them.”
He concludes, “ e pace of change is 
increasing because the network is becoming 
so ware-based. You don’t have to wait for the 
silicon to get cut; you don’t have to wait for new 
hardware. All you have to do is write better 
Download the free report from TM Forum, 
Open Source: How to speed NFV and SDN 
om ins deployment ■
tallation services to excess purchasing, A1 Teletronics does it all.

pende nt distribution within the telecommunications and networking channel
to quality and service. We’ll help you connect and communicate.


nics, Inc.
is not affiliated with the manufacturers of the products it sells except as expressly noted otherwise.
ith the manufacturers’ names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.

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