Page 9 - Telecom Reseller November December 2015
P. 9

November/December 2015
Telecom Reseller 9 
Vidyo and Mitel Expand
continued from page 3
HD Video Conferencing 

However, it doesn’t always have to be this way. UC systems allow companies to for many companies today is enabling mobility Partnership and Announce 
Moving to a Uni ed Communications (UC) for their employees. If an employee needs to be 
system  ips this common idea upside down
drastically reduce their monthly mobile and stay connected to their customers Integration of MiCollab
and allows businesses to simultaneously lower and other employees, it’s commonplace for a 
their monthly communications bills and reap communications cost while actually company to either give them a business mobile Vidyo Inc., a leader in high-quality visual 
additional bene ts.
phone or pay their phone bill.  is expense communications and collaboration, and Mitel,
Here are four ways that UC impacts a increasing the number of beneits for goes away with UC. Some UC systems o er a global leader in real-time business, cloud
company’s monthly phone bill:
so phones for mobile devices that gives a and mobile communications, announced a 
1. Single Connection: In the past, companies their users
mobile user complete connectivity on their own global expansion of the companies’ partnership 
were forced to pay for an Internet or data personal device. Users enjoy full call control, to deliver high-deinition video conferencing 
connection, as well as a connection that presence management, and visibility into other capabilities to the enterprise. The new OEM 
supported their voice communications. UC users; and the calls are made through the agreement extends the original distribution 
allows businesses to consolidate these physical savings are passed straight to the consumer. company system over WiFi, so it costs the user partnership established in 2013 and allows Mitel 
connections to the outside world with the use Many studies show that moving to SIP trunking nothing.
to leverage Vidyo’s APIs to embed multi-point 
of SIP trunking. SIP trunking uses a company’s alone can reduce your phone bill up to 50 In addition, the calls made through the video, audio and collaboration features inside 
existing data connection to deliver voice. Now, percent.
so phone show the users work caller ID various Mitel solutions.
companies can eliminate costly PRI, T1 and 3. Eliminate  ird-party Feature Add-Ons:
information, allowing them to separate their The VidyoWorksT platform is fully 
analog connections, and drastically reduce Many companies that currently deploy an older, business and personal life.
integrated into the newly released version of 
expenses overnight.
legacy system are solving their communications UC systems allow companies to drastically Mitel’s MiCollab, a real-time communications 
2. Lower Rates: SIP trunking also delivers needs with third-party add-ons and services. reduce their monthly communications cost and collaboration solution to provide simple 
signi cantly less expensive rates than traditional For example, a company may need audio while actually increasing the number of bene ts administration and an easy-to-use feature set 
telecom providers. When it comes to the high conferencing, call recording or fax, and they for their users. A recent Webtorials study found to enhance the user experience. With Vidyo, 
cost of traditional phone service, it’s o en said end up paying additional monthly fees for these that “Enterprises can reduce their traditional MiCollab is now able to provide high-quality 
that “40 percent of your phone bill is actually features that can add up to hundreds of dollars telecom bills by up to 75 percent through SIP video conferencing from any mobile endpoint 
your phone bill.”
a month. A UC system eliminates the need
trunking, trunking centralization, and the that is both lexible and scalable, streamlining 
 at’s because of the regulatory fees and taxes for paying extra for these services as they will deployment of VoIP.”
the business processes to enable easy video 
that are bolted on to the  nal bill. On top of the typically include conferencing, call recording, Add those savings up over a 12-month period conferencing across the organization and
rate reduction, SIP trunking is not restricted
faxing and much more.
and businesses can easily justify the upfront 
by the same government regulations and those
4. Delivering Mobility: One large expense
costs needed to deploy a UC system. ■
continues on page 23 ››
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