Page 11 - Telecom Reseller November December 2015
P. 11

November/December 2015 Telecom Reseller 11
Making the All-Flash Data Center a Reality: Part 2

Modern Storage Advantages
SSDs reduce running costs, generating far less speed and performance, and now two innovative 
An all- ash data center running so ware-de ned heat than a spinning disk and requiring less solutions have arrived in storage. Flash now 
storage technology brings other bene ts as well:
energy for cooling
boasts even greater speed and performance, and 
● Hardware performance gains enable ● Since SSDs are much smaller than spinning it will gain greater adoption as its prices continue 
by Stefan Bernbo, founder and organizations to run more applications on the disks, they require less space and less real
to decline.  e so ware-de ned storage approach 
CEO of Compuverde (www. same hardware
estate to house them, thus delivering a smaller o ers the  exibility and scalability that service
● Performance experiences massive footprint in the data center.
providers need and is a robust architecture that 
Pimprovement through the ability to use the faster Technology continues to break its own records can maximize the all- ash data center.  is
art 1 of this 2-part series looked at the  ash technology throughout the data center
in terms of the speed of change. It wasn’t so long will serve telecoms well as they strive to serve 
performance advantages and dropping ● Lower power consumption means that
ago that disk storage was replacing tape with its
customers in the age of uni ed communications.
price of  ash storage for service providers
struggling with the storage demands of providing 
uni ed communications services. Part 2
will explore how the so ware-de ned trend 
complements  ash.

How Software-Deined Storage and 
Flash Work Together
As  ash grows in popularity, so does another 
trend: so ware-de ned storage. While it might 
be too soon to call the two trends linked, it’s 
undeniable that a so ware-de ned approach to 
storage infrastructure gives organizations the Omni Channel Agent Desktop
 exibility they need to adopt an all- ash data 
center strategy relatively quickly and easily.
What is so ware-de ned storage’s claim
to fame? Its genius lies in taking features 
typically found in hardware and moving them
to the so ware layer, thereby doing away
with depending on built-in and ine cient 
redundancies that solve problems typically found certified for Avaya EMC
in the hardware layer. As a fact of life, hardware 
will fail, regardless whether it’s expensive, certified for Avaya Interaction Center
inexpensive,  ash or spinning disk. Flash storage,
certified for Avaya AES

Integrates easily with CRM
As a fact of life, hardware will fail, 
Avaya Presence Integration
regardless whether it’s expensive, 
Avaya EDP Integration for Video, Chat and CoBrowsing 
inexpensive, lash or spinning disk. 
Avaya POM for Outbound Management
Flash storage, in particular, currently 
WebReporter and Dashboard
has faster time-to-failure rate than 

spinning disk options.

Meet the E
in particular, currently has faster time-to-failure 
rate than spinning disk options. In traditional 
storage setups without RAID cards, the failure of ns
a disk typically prompts an error that will impact 
the end-user’s experience.  is is typically solved 
by using RAID cards to hide the errors, which t
can be pricy. With the right so ware-de ned 
approach, these problems would be absorbed and 
invisible to the user. In addition, so ware-de ned 
storage is hardware-agnostic and can run on any 
hardware setup.
Telcos could use a single name space spanning 
all its storage nodes by using a so ware-de ned 
approach to storage architecture.  ey could also 
run applications in the storage nodes as well, 
turning them into “compustorage” nodes. As a 
result, the storage hardware itself wouldn’t need 
to be that large or expensive, but would still have 
very high performance and speed.  erefore, 
instead of building a really big, expensive and 
traditional installation, telecoms can start with
a small number of cheap servers, and if needed, 
scale linearly from there and still have a high- 
performance data center.

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