Page 10 - Telecom Reseller November December 2015
P. 10
10 Telecom Reseller
November/December 2015
Voice Mobility Solutions For Retail, Heathcare And Warehousing
he ease-of-deployment and multiple radios are typically not very secure and are sta members in contact over large properties or
capabilities provided by smartphones susceptible to group chatter. in harsh environments. ese phones typically
are driving the adoption of smartphones Cellular phones are easy to deploy and require support both telephone and two-way radio
to ful ll the telecommunication requirements no or minimal infrastructure backbone to functions enabling end users to keep in touch
for many businesses. However, organizations provide voice and data communications for sta with customers and team members using a single
with large environments such as retail stores, members. Ideal for healthcare and service-related handset from wherever they are on the property. by Doug Hayter, EnGenius
healthcare facilities, and warehouses require a companies, smartphones provide the ability
Business cordless phones provide good coverage, Technologies (www.engenius-
more robust telecommunications solution that to install a growing array of apps to enhance require no monthly fees, and can be integrated
provides mobility, durability and ease-of-use their capabilities and potentially increase the into the internal phone system. Some business
throughout the premises.
productivity of the end users. One of the main cordless phones o er unique usability features durability. Two-way radios are best suited to
ere are three primary types of voice drawbacks of using cellular phones is that
like two-way intercom and broadcast capabilities, construction and warehousing environments.
mobility solutions available to meet the they require strong WiFi or cellular coverage
Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP) to ese radios require no or minimal
telecommunication needs of business and this coverage can be spotty or unreliable allow text messaging to handsets, and Session infrastructure background making them quick
organizations: two-way radios, cellular within buildings or in rural areas. Other Initiation Protocol (SIP) enabling the system to and easy to deploy and they interoperate with
telephones, and business cordless phones. While disadvantages of using cell phones for business be used on IP networks.
other brands using the same radio frequencies.
each solution has its own unique bene ts and communications, they are not integrated into the e business cordless phones use di erent However, two-way radios only provide limited
disadvantages, business cordless phones that internal phone system and they require costly frequencies and deployment strategies that each communications capabilities because they cannot
o er mobility and durability o er the best use monthly service fees.
have advantages and disadvantages. A long- be integrated into an internal phone system
t for large environments that require reliable Business cordless phones systems are ideal
range, single-base system running on 900 MHz and are unable to receive phone calls requiring
communications throughout the premises.
for organizations that need robust, long-range can provide connectivity over a wide area making the organization to maintain an additional
Two-way radios o er good coverage and
communications solutions to keep employees and
it ideal for assisted living, grocery and retail telecommunications solution. Also, two-way
stores. Phone systems that support multiple bases
and repeaters use the 1.9 GHz, 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz
frequencies and can provide small area links
for organizations such as hospitals and grocery
When selecting the best business cordless VoIP Resellers!
phone system for deployment in an organization,
there are a number of factors to take into
account. Understanding how large the facility
and the premises are that the phone system
needs to cover helps determine whether small
or large area links will be required. Knowing the
number of users will determine how scalable the
solution needs to be. If the handsets will be used
in harsh environments or are likely to be dropped
during usage, the durability of the handsets will
be critical. Knowledge of the RF environment is
important in the selection of a solution that will
not encounter frequency interference. ■
More automation in your
Hosted UC Channel
Partners: Have
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Hosted UC channel partners can propel the
entire Hosted UC industry from today’s double
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from now through 2020. at would pull
through massive bene ts for all customers as well
as Hosted UC channel partners, and of course
technology vendors.
Soon, Hosted UC channel partners will be
nding and closing 90 percent of all Hosted
UC sales. Yet channel partners today nd and
close only about 20 percent of all Hosted UC Sign up for a Free Trial today !
sales. Some 80 percent of Hosted UC sales are
sold direct to the customer by the technology
provider through its own marketing and sales
force. at may come as a surprise to readers.
is go-to-market approach limits overall Hosted
UC sales growth and comes with considerable
consequence for customers at-large.
As a practical matter, numerous Hosted UC
channels and channel partners already exist.
Collectively, these channel partners are capable
of summoning far more sales resources than
the Hosted UC technology vendors. While it is
a fact that today’s Hosted UC channel partners
take more deals from lead generation to sale than
occurred in the past, the evolution has been slow.
Customers will bene t if the pace is picked up.
Because the Hosted UC market has shown
respectable double digit sales growth year over
year there has been little reason to question
the business practices underpinning Hosted
UC sales results. Eastern Management Group
looked into this because Hosted UC sales, at this 877.478.6471
continues on page 16 ››
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