Page 4 - Telecom Reseller November December 2014
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4 Telecom Reseller November/December 2014
March/April 2014
Telecom Reseller
If she dials 911,
continued from page 1
will the critical help she recognize them in a way that is most meaningful in helping create a culture of innovation and
needs be able to ind her?
to them.
● Make it leadership-driven: Ensure your
● Make it purposeful: Provide a clear line
managers are on board. When implementing
Continued from page 1
of sight. Employees want to know how they it
winitho tahnenouvearlalrlepvicetnuureasndexspceceidiicnalgly$h2ow5 tmheilr-
t p i r o o n g s r a m b , e i s t ’ i s d i me s p e t r o a t r i n v e a d t h o a e t s t h e o C r - s o u t i t h e e a r n d m a j o r
licontrhibauvteionas pblauysainpearstsinctohnetsiuncucietsys opf tlhaen in
catastrophic events. Power failures, bro-
place, which makes sense given the larger
supervisory team are all participating. hey
company. When employees feel they have a stake
loss of revenue larger businesses face.
ken water pipes or even health epidemics
in the game, they will be more engaged and more
need to be champions of the cause and provide a
According to Forrester, the average cost
can shut down an SMB or regional ofice
likely to feel empowered to share their ideas.
foundation of trust and collaboration among the
per hour of service disruption for mid-sized
just as suddenly, and just as dramatical-
● Make it oten: Recognition should be
to enterprise businesses is $110,000, and a
team. One of the most cited reasons employees
ly. Therefore, a business continuity plan
repeated. Positive reinforcement really does typical interruption event costs more than
work. Employees should be recognized and
manager. Take the time to train managers on why
leave a company is dissatisfaction with their
should cover various types of potential
$1.5 million. Moreover, according to the
disruptive events.
rewarded for behavior that aligns with the
recognition is important and give them tools and
Insurance Institute of Business & Home
Utilizing Instant Messaging, Presence,
company’s mission, vision and strategy. If
resources to start appropriately appreciating their
Safety, 25% of businesses do not reopen Mobility and Collaboration from a Hosted
foinllnowvaitniognaisdaisatrsatreoguicsoebvjecntitvse,utchhenasit 9m/u1s1t boer – combined, perhaps, with
Whether selling to SMBs or enter-
storage and mission-critical applications
employees exhibit behaviors that demonstrate
most valuable asset. And the ideas that these
prises, it’s important to emphasize how
– will ensure businesses will continue to
innovation and initiative, they should be
employees have are crucial to success. Ideas can
Hosted Uniied Communications can sup-
function as expected, and weather any
acknowledged and rewarded in a personally
come from anywhere in an organization, but
port an overall business continuity plan.
storm. Without it, a business can expect the
meaningful way.
they won’t get shared unless the environment
Additionally, those businesses without a
● Make it personal: Rewards should be
plan should ind the added beneit of main-
is built on trust, teamwork and collaboration.
• 43% of businesses that close as the result
meaningful across multi-generations and
taining their communications throughout a
Use recognition to build an atmosphere where
of a natural disaster never reopen. – U.S.
service disruption, especially without any
employees feel appreciated and valued. his will
Reward programs only have value if employees
help breed a culture of innovation and growth
additional cost, a major beneit. Hosted UC
• 75% of companies without business
wilclofonltloinwu.ity plans fail within three years pvraolvuiedtehse rtehwearadbs.ilAitoynef-osrizet-hiets-eamll rpelwoayredess to
of a disaster. – Crisis Management
csotnrattienguyeistonoctoemfemctuivnei.cAatneefarsoymwahyotmo enosurraeny
location with wireless access, just as they
that employees ind the rewards meaningful
About he Author
would from the ofice. Customers do not
and motivating is to provide them with choice.
KarTa oSimqouna,nGtiefnye:raWl Miathnoaguetr oHf 3oCstheedersUC for need to dial cell phone or emergency num-
Don’t compromise Our E911 solutions cRreicsoisgncitoiomnm&uRneiwcartidosn(sww–wT.3ochtaelerLs.coosms.),Wa ith
hat way they receive something they genuinely
bers to contact customer service or sales.
Hosted UCtodelivercmmunicationsdur-
diviionof Maritz MotivationSoltions(www. ing a crisis to support standard business
would like to have. hat positive emotion and
All communications continue to function
your employees’ help 911 callers get goodwill they feel will naturally transfer to the which ofers businesses
as if the ofice was still up and running and,
processes and functions – Total Win. % of any size an easy-to-use, points-based
the assistance they essentially, it is.
Make it meaningful: Understand that motivation platform designed to engage people
need − fast.
● Finally, it is worth noting that a business
not all recognition is created equal. It makes a For more visit
with meaningful recognition and memorable
signiicant diference when employees feel that rewards.
the recognition is sincere and tailored to them.
owen online
The E911 Experts
A generic “Good Job!” doesn’t cut it unless it is attached to the achievement and communicated
in a setting that shows efort by the manager. he
key is to know the employees as individuals and
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