Page 5 - Telecom Reseller November December 2014
P. 5
TNeolevceombeRre/Dseellcermber 2014
Telecom ReMsaerclhle/Arpril 20145
PITTS sites in areas where grid power is unreliable or 3. Trust your data. Tower companies are
KING continued from page 1
continued from page 3
Hunavailable. his is usually achieved by using beginning to realize that it is diicult to obtain
batteries, renewable energy sources like solar, and power related site data that they can trust, which
access costs plus long distance calls before the
with intelligent management of the power systems. is key for them to ensure that they understand the choice for operators, colocation companies and
implementation of SIP trunking, to the total
However, to realize the savings, power solutions
status of the equipment and what is happening
even global internet companies especially for
usage charges ater the implementation. Oten,
companies planning toventure in to newmarkets.(thetechnology) needobe properlymanaged ontheirsites. Asetworks increase in both size
Precise timing of facility expansion is key for
By Ray Horak, Technology Editor over time. Reliability in operations will be the
and the number of tenants hosted, the availability
companies can eliminate all access, long distance,
tem designed and developed entirely in-
scales easily to serve the needs of virtu-
30,000 businesses of all sizes in over 60
Sdata centre colocation providers to maintain a
house, so it is homegrown and organic,
ally any size organization, whether SMB
most important factor to ensure that the savings
of trusted data will drive the diference between
and local charges for any internal call. he before
high lehveolroefTuetillisraeticoenn(trleyturneloenacsaepditaSl)hwohrieleTel will be realised and to avoid any downtime. To
proitability and failure. To keep control over and
and ater comparison at three, six, and nine
which yields lots of advantages, includ-
or enterprise, single site or multisite. That
I recently interviewed ShoreTel rep-
ing tight integration. The design concept
design challenge pointed to a unique dis-
resentatives who explained that ShoreTel
ensure this, equipment vendors will co-operate
reduce costs as well as prevent failures, tower
months should easily justify the SIP trunking
Communications (UC)software.ShoreTlisapureIPys-
lack ofwcaipnancitnyg. Uniied
closer with managed service companies in long
companies will invest in sotware-driven intelligent
migration project.
focused on a highly modular solution that
tributed architecture used by more than
14.2 takes the ShoreTel solution to another
2. Managingpowertosecure svings. Diesel term partnerships and we will see energy service monitoring system that are fully integrated with Once these ive steps are complete, telephony
dimension—a virtual dimension that deliv-
saving solutions are essential for base station
companies (ESCOs) start to establish themselves.
the power systems right from the start.
teams can take advantage of numerous features
ers much greater lexibility for deploy-
that can reduce costs and provide high levels of
Searching high and low for a ments, with the ability to mix and match
reliability even beyond what they have achieved.
Searching high and low for a
ShoreTel hardware-based Linux appliances
For example, every inbound and outbound call
or now as virtual software appliances on
in the organization can be touched by the border
customer provided general purpose serv-
controller to ensure the lowest cost route and the
Cloud Telephony Solution? Cloud Telephony Solution?
ers running VMware in a single network,
fastest response for customers.
or a combination of both, all managed
he journey of full network migration to the
via a single web-based management inter-
cloud can be long and complex. But while there’s
face. Companies deploying ShoreTel 14.2
no getting around the length of the path, using
can select the UC deployment model that
this hybrid method backed by SIP trunking can
Are you a reseller, VAR, or ‘like’ a service provider Are you a reseller, VAR, or ‘like’ a service provider
best suits their business and infrastructure
cut out a few wrong turns along the way.
needs—physical, virtual, or a hybrid com-
prising any combination. Bernard Gutnick,
Director of Product Marketing for ShoreTel
Avaya Appoints
and looking to buy, rent, or host your own system? and looking to buy, rent, or host your own system?
explained that “The associated beneits are
clear and immediate, including reduced
hardware and operational complexity,
Senior Executive
Look no further. higher application availability, increased
Look no further.
for Corporate
scalability and reliability.” ShoreTel 14.2
enables all ShoreTel UC components,
including call control, SIP trunks, CRM Strategy,
integration, uniied messaging, contact cen-
ter and collaboration applications, to be
virtualized and implemented on industry
standard servers.
I Increase
Gutnick went on to explain that ShoreTel and CTO
14.2 is lexible enough to support central-
ized or decentralized call control on prem-
ises or in the customer’s private cloud. Due
vaya has announced that Laurent
to its unique architecture, the ShoreTel
Philonenko has been named senior
system incorporates a level of redundan-
vice president of Corporate Strategy
cy that delivers a truly high availability
and Development - CTO. In this role, Laurent
solution through a single failover switch
will accelerate the development and execution
(called Spare switch) that can be positioned
of Avaya’s short- and long-term growth and
anywhere in the company’s network. In
Reduce engagement strategies. He also joins the Avaya
addition, ShoreTel customers can leverage
Executive Council.
VMware vMotion to enable practically
As part of his focus on Avaya growth
zero-downtime in case of hardware or soft-
strategies, Laurent will oversee Avaya Labs,
ware failure.
architecture and consulting groups, as well as
In terms of scalability, ShoreTel 14.2
quadruples the port capacity per virtual
the Avaya DevConnect developer program and
technology partnerships.
machine. ShoreTel virtual machines in
Laurent most recently served as vice
VMware supports up to 1,000 phones and
president, Corporate Strategy and Development
Proits Proits
500 SIP trunks. This increased capaci-
for Avaya. Prior to his arrival at Avaya,
ty simpliies deployment especially for
Laurent successively served as Vice-President
customers that choose a centralized UC
and General Manager of several business
deployment. The ShoreTel solution can be
units and as Chief Technology Oicer for
implemented on the customer’s choice of
Cisco’s Collaboration Technology Group, and
industry-standard virtualized servers, thus
previously as CEO for Genesys.
Upgrade to the Industry’s Choice TODAY! Upgrade to the Industry’s Choice TODAY!
consolidating the server hardware across
Laurent is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique
multiple applications, reducing energy
in Paris and holds a master’s degree in
requirements and minimizing hardware
Management Science from Paris University. He
footprint. ShoreTel 14.2 is available now
If you’ve been searching for an addition to your premise based If you’ve been searching for an addition to your premise based
holds nine U.S. patents.
from qualiied ShoreTel reseller partners.
ofering, or you want to add cloud to your portfolio, contact us today. “Laurent is a recognized leader and proven
ShoreTel, Inc. (NASDAQ: SHOR) is a
ofering, or you want to add cloud to your portfolio, contact us today.
visionary in enterprise collaboration and
leading provider of “brilliantly simple” IP
communications. His experience and years
phone systems and uniied communications
in the industry have given him a unique
solutions. Its award-winning on-premises
understanding of our customers’ evolving
IP-PBX solution and cloud-based hosted
business needs and how they align with
phone system eliminate complexity and
opportunities available through technological
improve productivity. ShoreTel is head-
innovation. We welcome him and look forward
quartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., and has
to his leadership and contributions as part of the
regional ofices and partners worldwide. % Avaya Executive Council.” - Kevin J. Kennedy, | FCoErmOo, |
More at
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