Page 4 - NewsLync Winter 2014
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Winter 2014
4 NewsLync by Telecom Reseller
ties, Lync displays availability indicators NEWS
to show if contacts in your organization are
busy or available, and ZCC adds intelligent
Continued from page 1
queuing across channels so that queries AudioCodes introduces one voice operations
Lync-based solutions and implement its are directed to available agents who are
seamless collaboration tools. Actually, you best suited to assist – which cuts back on enter for Microsoft Lync and hosted services:
could argue that the real-time capability waiting times and runarounds when routing L
and multi-functionality of Lync make it customer calls.
Front-End server delivers accurate, end- everaging AudioCodes Session
the perfect SMB tool to manage customer When combined with a native multi- channel contact center application, Lync to-end session experience monitoring and Experience Manager with newly intro-
experience easily across channels.
On its own, Microsoft Lync incorporates boosts productivity by empowering users to reporting and enables performing fault anal- duced connectivity with Lync Server,
instant messaging, Voice over IP, video managecustomerinteractionsfluidlyacross ysis and isolation, allowing the administrator and AudioCodes Element Management
conferencing, screen sharing and rich pres- channels, rather than logging in and out of to quickly apply corrective measures.
System, the management suite empowers
ence capabilities into a single, user-friendly multiple systems for each mode of con- “The ability to roll out and deploy effective management of large scale unified
platform – providing a smooth conduit for tact. Options like callback allow customers a large global enterprise network, great- ly depends on the right set of tools for communications deployments
AudioCodes, a provider of converged
collaboration. SMBs can enhance those to retain their position in queue without operating and managing it, “ stated Jon voice solutions that enable enterprises and
capabilities with native Lync apps, those waiting on the phone. And with customer Martin, General Manager UC Portfolio & service providers to transition to all-IP voice
that keep interactions on Lync every step of self-service options through IVR or web Professional Services, BT Global Services. networks, today announced the launch of
the way, but add so much more.
knowledge management, agent recording “AudioCodes’ comprehensive vision of AudioCodes One Voice Operations Center,
By eliminating the need for duplicative and coaching, and performance metrics operational efficiency in network manage- an innovative suite of management applica-
systems, servers and maintenance require- and tools for supervisor management, the ment, certainly boosts the power of their tions that takes a holistic approach towards
ments, native Lync apps can streamline right tool set can actually improve, not just One Voice for Lync offering.”
managing large scale unified communi-
the contact center workload for SMBs with enable, customer experience management “With the introduction of AudioCodes cations networks, whether premise-based,
limited resources of time, money and staff.
at SMBs. This benefits customers too, as One Voice Operations Center, our One cloud-based or service provider hosted.
The uniformity and omnichannel nature Lync reduces wait times – increasing reso- Voice for Lync and One Voice for Hosted AudioCodes One V oice Operations
of Lync helps the team members who are lution rates as well as customer satisfaction.
Services offering of comprehensive prod- Center is designed to deliver operations,
charged with customer experience man- The flexibility of Lync doesn’t limit ucts has been significantly improved,” administration, maintenance, and provi-
agement deliver the best service possible. interactions to an initial mode of contact, stated Nimrod Borovsky, VP Marketing at AudioCodes. “Now we can provide IT sioning for AudioCodes One Voice net- work elements including IP phones, session
Compared to the Internet-based messaging either. What begins as a phone call can managers with a powerful set of tools to border controllers (SBC), gateways and
services that suffice for many cash-strapped shift into a virtual video chat with a single manage our One Voice portfolio of prod- survivable branch appliances (SBA). In
small businesses, Lync is a more secure click, allowing users the freedom to shift ucts in large scale, global deployments. addition, One Voice Operations Center is
alternative for business communications to a more effective mode of communica- tion, mid-interaction. The multi-channel Recognizing the trend to data center and designed for complete voice quality moni-
because messages stay within the corporate intranet. Whether users are at a desktop contact center gives agents and customers cloud migration, we have designed One toring and assurance, including on-net and
computer or working from home on a options to interact in the most effective Voice Operations Center to be 100% soft- off-net calling via SIP trunks.
mobile device, Lync allows secure serv- way, whether through a traditional phone ware-based so that it naturally fits the enter- AudioCodes One V oice Operations
er access for smooth collaboration across call, email, social media, or video.
prise’s long term IT strategy and vision.”
Center reduces operational expenses
The communication capabilities AudioCodes Session Experience through distribution of configuration poli-
So even when a mobile workforce even extend beyond the office, as Lync Manager (SEM) and Element Management cies based on corporate, departmental and
is spread out across multiple office and Federation lets SMB users connect with System (EMS) are generally available.
individual profiles and equipment main-
remote locations, projects and conver- external partners and customers, as well. One Voice Operations Center and future tenance across all One Voice for Lync or
sations can keep flowing smoothly with By allowing multiple clients to collaborate
enhancements will become generally avail- able starting Q2/2014. One Voice for Hosted Services network elements, wherever located.
Lync’s real-time instant messaging and ☎
Connectivity with the Microsoft Lync
group chat. With rich presence capabili-
See CRAY, page 10
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