Page 4 - Cisco Tribune Winter 2014
P. 4

Telecom Reseller: Cisco Tribune
First Quarter 2014
l l l 
4 4th Quarter 2014
Telecom Reseller: Cisco Tribune 
Case Study: How Syn-Apps is Making a Difference
Cisco Cloud Strategy
represents a signiicant share of IT spending with our partners and customers on their
l Integrate analog phones and paging
As the leading cloud enabler, Cisco’s
t 23
systems with IP speakers and endpoints c
d jou
. Fr
cloud strategy is to help customers build,
in Healthcare for Rochelle Community Hospital
percent today expected to reach 27 percent reliable cloud platform to hosted services
Continued from page 1 to create a single notiication management
Cloud computing is an irreversible trend
ment of IT in addressing today’s business
vide everything you need for a proitable
by 2016. Cloud is becoming a crucial ele- and partner programs, Cisco is here to pro-
deploy and consume cloud services with
n which enterprises are moving from care-
demands, as organizations are increasingly
cloud journey, enabling our partners and
l Broadcast pre-recorded or live
its comprehensive cloud portfolio, includ-
Ring the Cisco Cloud Intelligent Network
looking to cloud and managed services to
their customers to beneit fully from the
emergency or non- emergency instructions.
ful contemplation to industry-wide adop-
tion. The latest Cisco Global Cloud Index
and the Uniied Data Center platform, and
ochelle Community Hospital, Manager fell short,” stated Powell.
Communication made easier
This is especially useful to announce visitor
accelerate growth and lower costs.
immense advantages of cloud and achieve
to drive demand for its partners’ Cisco
located in Rochelle, Illinois, has
(2012-2017) predicts that global cloud IP
their core business objectives,” said Chiu.
Powered Cloud and Managed Services. The
Cisco Cloud Connections began with
According to Powell, the hospital uses
hours, and notify faculty such as nurses,
used Syn-Apps’ SA-Announce and
Business Challenge
SA-Announce to integrate their overhead
doctors, janitorial staff, or other personnel
trafic will increase nearly 4.5-fold over the
welcoming remarks by Barbara Chiu,
Highlights of the event included a key-
Cisco cloud partner go-to-market strategy
CallAlert software since 2012 to enhance
Many healthcare facilities recognize the
notiication systems with their Cisco VoIP
when their assistance is needed.
next ive years to reach 5.3 zettabytes by the
managing director, Cisco Hong Kong and
note presentation by Bob Gault, vice presi-
is based on three key roles a partner can
network communications. According
need to invest in new technology to improve
phones. The integration allows personnel
l Remotely monitor IP-based devices and play, namely, cloud builder, cloud provider send notiications to personnel according end of 2017. Additionally, the “Impact of
Macau, who emphasized Cisco’s ongoing
dent of the Cisco Cloud and Managed
to Chris Powell, Information Systems
safety standards but are often faced with the
to easily send notiications and alerts to
and cloud services reseller:
Cloud on IT Consumption Models” study
commitment in innovating cloud technolo-
Services Partner Organization, featuring
to speciied user-deined criteria using
Technician for Rochelle Community
dilemma of replacing outdated systems due
users in their network. “Being in healthcare,
conducted by Cisco Consulting Services
gies and driving partner go-to-market strat-
a review of “Cloud and IT: Creating New
• Cloud Builders: Build and sell Cisco-
Hospital, the facility chose Syn-Apps
to the incompatibility with new technology.
we have certain codes that need to be
and Intel, which surveyed 4,226 IT leaders
egy, as well as Cisco’s role in supporting
Consumption Models”. When organiza-
centric cloud to customers and cloud
after receiving a recommendation from
Syn-Apps helps organizations leverage their
announced from time to time. This is used
Target single or multiple zones on your 
l providers
in 18 industries across nine key economies,
businesses on their cloud journey.
tions consider investing in cloud, the main
network using unlimited SA-Announce
OneNeck IT Solutions. “After reviewing
existing investments by offering enhanced
to alert people in areas that don’t have
“As a leader with extensive experience challenge is creating a strategy and lex-
revealed that more than four out of ive
apnadginugnmanadtcnhoetdiiceaxtipoenrtsiosleutionnscclomudpateibclhe- • Cloud Providers: Manage and sell Cisco
the product[s], we determined it would
oibvlerhaeracdhistepcetaukrersth, saut cahllaoswosff-fsoirtencelwinicbsu,”si-
groups. This is useful for messaging speciic
respondents believe that cloud will posi-
nwoiltohgeiexsis,tiCnigscinofriasstfruullcytuerqe.uipped to travel
Powered Cloud Services to customers
deinitely ill our needs where Cisco Call
snteastsedinPnowvaetlli.on, reduces network complex-
loors, patient rooms, or entire buildings.
tively impact their organizations. Cloud also
ity and better aligns IT costs with delivery
• Cloud Services Resellers: Resell provid-
l Broadcast background music, trigger ers' Cisco Powered Cloud Services to
Mcapoanbiltitoiers,. imGapulrtopvreov, icdoedntarnoloverview
contact closures, or enable unicast-to-
Ionf apdrdivitaioten tvoeSrsAu-sAnpnuboulinccec,loRuodchs,eltlhee total
multicast conversion via a Paging Relay. 
Cadodmremsusanbitlye HcolospuidtalmuasrekseCt,alClAislecrot’,s cloud
CilscComPmowuneicraetde tCo lsouuppdoratnedintercom 
Sapypnr-Aoapcphs’ caanldl ncoltoiiucdatpioanrtsnoefrtwgaor-et.oT-mhearket
dMe vainc easg. Feudl l S- deurpvliecxef esa t u r e s p r o v i d e t a l k -
strategy, and how Cisco can help busi-
back functionality between IP phones and
hospital uses CallAlert to monitor 911 calls
Cisco Powered Cloud and Managed
nesses prepare for the evolution to a cloud
Services provide a technology platform
and various call activities on their network.
speakers. Personnel can use the two-way
consumption model.
for delivering secure and reliable cloud
Powell explained, “Some members of our
communication group types to converse
At the event, customers and partners
services that customers will associate with
organization need to be alerted when a
between private ofices, reception desks, or
could also experience the power of a vari-
faster time-to-value, assured performance
certain number is called, so this [CallAlert]
patient rooms.
ety of comprehensive Cisco Powered Cloud
and continuous innovation. Cisco Powered
allows us to easily notify that person. It
“We have been a very happy customer for
and Managed Services offered by the cloud
Services comprise a comprehensive port-
always allows us to track numbers for
about two years now. The installation was
and managed services providers employing
folio of best-in-class, lexible and scalable
super easy and straight-forward. We have
diagnosing issues users may have.”
Cisco technology. The showcase area also solutions for cloud providers, including: -
hardly had any issues, but when we have,
featured a Cisco booth, showcasing Cisco’s
Beneits from Syn-Apps’
they have been minor, and Support has
Cloud Service for Hosted Collaboration
innovative cloud solutions such as Cisco
With the Cisco Hosted Collaboration
been a dream to work with. They have been
Meraki Cloud Managed Solution, a man-
Solution (HCS), cloud providers can offer
Notify faculty or families of critical very quick to respond and always know the
l aged edge and branch networking solution events via speakers, phones, text, SMS, and cloud-based uniied communications and
answer I’m looking for. The website is very
that simpliies enterprise-class networks more.
collaboration applications to customers.
easy to navigate and is very intuitive. Even
and can centrally manage the wireless
l Deliver custom nurse call notiications our less tech savvy users can navigate it!”
Applications are delivered within a highly
network including switching, security and
including one or two-way communication
concluded Powell
devices from the cloud.
secure, cloud-ready, virtualized platform
under a centralized management system. The solution helps providers differentiate
via bedside phones, intercoms, or tablets 
using the Nurse Call Notiier.
More at themselves and promote value in the col-
laboration market. ☎

Spectrum Corporation
is a member of the Cisco 
Technology Developer 

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