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Telecom Reseller: Cisco Tribune NEWS PRODUCTS PEOPLE EVENTS
4th Quarter 2014 5
An Army
Pon inancial institutions for supporting loggers are downloaded and the login/ 
illegal activities. As a result, the owners password credential combinations are 
of these bots have had to look for new watched for, extracted and uploaded. 
of Drones
By Mike Patterson, opportunities to stay ahead of the legal Yes, key loggers are making a stronger 
CEO Plixer
system. So what’s next?
One item being targeted is certain Think about it, who within your 
Tpurchasing accounts that are used for company makes the most purchases? 
oday, millions of PCs infected with information is transferred and ounced high volume sales. I don’t mean PoS Where do they buy from? If the cyber 
bots have been amassed. They are around enough times to ensure that its thefts like we saw with Target and Home crooks can infect them with a key logger, 
sitting on our corporate networks
inal destination can’t be traced. Sound Depot.
steal their login credentials to desired 
and in the homes of employees all over the world. It’s an army of drones. Patiently scary?
The thing is, these activities are In this case, bad actors are looking
for the login credentials used to place a vendors, they can then sell them on the black market for $10-$20 each.
they wait for instructions on the next deed considered old school tactics by many
high volume of orders with vendors like This combined with all of their gmail, 
to carryout.
in the cybercrime profession as they Dell, Amazon, and others. This is a very yahoo, etc. login credentials, etc. allow 
Will they participate in a DDoS attack, generally don’t generate enough revenue. different strategy than the massive PoS them to take control of the legitimate 
host a malicious web site that engages
For example, the illegal pharmaceutical thefts we saw in 2012 – 2014. In this purchaser’s identity for a longer period
in illegal commerce or be tasked with sale industry (e.g. selling Viagra and case, the credit card numbers aren’t being of time. Criminals who purchase this 
performing reconnaissance by watching Cialis) has become too dificult for most. stolen from the aforementioned retailers.
information can then place orders with 
and uploading information to another The legal authorities have igured out Rather, individuals involved with the same vendors, change the ship to 
infected system?
how to trace the money back to speciic purchasing are being targeted with address and it will likely be days or weeks 
Once uploaded to the internet, your
banks and have since enforced ines
phishing attacks. Once infected, key

Italtel France 
Achieves Premier 

Certiication from 

Italtel, a leading telecommunications 
company in next generation networks 
and services and IP communication,
today announced that its subsidiary 
company Italtel France has achieved 
Premier Certiication from Cisco®.
Italtel France earned the certiication after See Engage Suite at:
it met Cisco’s high standards for networking Cisco Live! 2014 
competency, service, support and customer Booth 411 
satisfaction. In addition to branding as a May 18-22, 2014 
Cisco Premier Certiied Partner, Italtel San Francisco, CA
France will also receive new beneits
from the Premier Certiication, including 
recognition as a Premier Certiied Partner
in the Cisco Partner Locator; eligibility to 
participate in Cisco Channel Incentives 
Programs, with greater economic incentives 
than for the Select Certiication level; and 
eligibility to sell Cisco Smart Care Services.
Italtel France will also be able to become Introducing Engage Quality. All You Wanted in 
a “Certiied Agent” in the Global Partner 
Network Program and will receive a Cisco Quality Management. And Then Some.
Certiied Partner kit that contains resources 
such as sales tools, logos, guidelines, and 
“We are extremely pleased that Italtel Engage Quality equips your contact center to provide targeted 
France has achieved Premier Certiication, evaluation and training, calibrated for consistency, across a 
particularly because this is a strategic team or an entire organization. A total quality management 
market for us. Italtel has built strong solution, Engage Quality includes advanced agent evaluation, 
technological and market synergies
calibrated assessment, integrated e-learning, and powerful, 
with Cisco to enable carriers and service fully customizable performance reporting.
providers to develop advanced services
on new generation networks. In France, • Comprehensive, multi-level, skill set-based agent evaluation
especially, Italtel is focused on uniied • Calibrated assessment with unlimited assessment standards
communications and mobile/enhanced • E-Learning with real call audio or easily attached iles
packet core segments.
This certiication adds an important • Instant feedback coaching, reinforced with bookmarks & notes - All tracked in agents’ My Engage learning queues
quality - integration capabilities - to
the competence that Italtel France has 
demonstrated in providing customers with • Extensive custom reporting to mine in-depth QM data
turnkey proprietary solutions,” said Stefano • Intuitive, Web 2.0 interface that invites even novice users
Pileri, Italtel’s CEO.
As a Cisco Premier Certiied Partner, All this and more for one, all-inclusive, afordable price. No 
Italtel France demonstrates a range of nickel & diming you for critical QM & WFO capabilities.
technical expertise. Before gaining Cisco Engage Quality. It’s the all for one price solution for all!
Premier Certiication Italtel France was 
required to achieve the Cisco Express Contact your authorized telecom equipment reseller or 
Foundation Specialization, which includes TelStrat for more information and a live demo!
tests on technical competence in the 
integration of basic routing and switching, 
wireless LANs and security technologies.
Italtel France was also required to from
integrate a base level of Cisco Lifecycle 
Services into their offerings and 
demonstrate high levels of customer 
satisfaction based on independently audited Call Recording I Quality Management I Coaching & E-Learning I Screen Capture I Speech & Desktop Analytics I Workforce Management 
customer satisfaction surveys. | 972-543-3500 |

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