Page 10 - Telecom Reseller FebMar 2016
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10 Telecom Reseller
February/March 2016
ConnectWise CloudConsole
to further capitalize on cloud opportunities by FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler
automating cloud services billing and setting to Keynote The INCOMPAS
monitors for O ce 365M services.
Eases Transition for New e more than 300 ConnectWise partners who Show This Spring
tested CloudConsole while it was in its nal beta
stage report they are pleased with how the tool’s
Cloud Solution Providers
broad set of features has eased their transition to e INCOMPAS Show takes place April 10-13, in
becoming a CSP.
the Washington, D.C., Area
One of those partners is Arterian, a rm
INCOMPAS, the competitive networks
that provides Microso Cloud Solution
association, announced today that Tom Wheeler,
Provider services for O ce 365 and Azure.
Chairman of the Federal Communications
ConnectWise, a company that transforms how and billing of services as companies move their “Like other ConnectWise products that we use, Commission (FCC), will be its keynote speaker
technology solution providers successfully build, clients from on-premise systems to the cloud. CloudConsole has allowed us to aggregate multi- at e INCOMPAS Show in April. Chairman
manage and grow their businesses, announced “Our goal is to help technology service providers tenant support into a single pane of glass, helping Wheeler will address conference attendees on
that ConnectWise CloudConsole – its cloud become CSPs by equipping them with the tools us to increase our e ciency and to save time with Monday, April 11 at 4 p.m.
service management, monitoring and billing
to get ahead of this trend,” he said. “ e ability a high level of accuracy,” said Arterian President e INCOMPAS Show (formerly COMPTEL
tool – is now available inside ConnectWise to to provide cloud services will give them the Jamison West.
PLUS) takes place April 10 -13, 2016, at the
help companies become e ective cloud solution competitive edge they require to continue to “ e bottom line is that this solution has given Gaylord National Hotel & Convention Center,
providers (CSPs) in an increasingly cloud-centric grow their businesses.”
us new capabilities. Today we are able to provide located at National Harbor, just outside
IT landscape.
CloudConsole, launched inside ConnectWise quality cloud services in a way that has a positive Washington, D.C.
Craig Fulton, General Manager, ConnectWise 2016.2, gives providers the means to e ciently impact on our bottom line.” ■
“Competition has no better friend than
Business Suite, said CloudConsole was developed manage all users, groups and mailboxes via a Chairman Tom Wheeler,” said Chip Pickering,
to address ine ciencies in the management
single, uni ed dashboard. Companies are able
More at
CEO of INCOMPAS. “He has set the FCC on a
historic path that will open markets and speed
the transition to advanced network services that
bene t consumers and business customers. e
Chairman has made good on his promise of
competition, competition, competition and we Shopping around for a new
look forward to his remarks on the future for new
network builders.”
To register for e INCOMPAS Show, please wholesale VoIP provider?
visit ■
More at
Let’s Chat...
continued from page 3
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2:06:49 PM