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Telecom Reseller

Telecom Reseller
February/March 2016

Higher Education + Technology = ACUTA
continued from page 1

Contact centers, more so than almost any other in a constant state of self-evaluation, in search
division, face intense scrutiny as they operate
of new, more accurate methods to quanti ably u
As a CIO, it is important for
• Professional networking at its best on the frontline and o en become the face of
measure performance, quickly identify areas that 
oyee me to be a part of a group of happens at the face-to-face events and via the listserv/community. We provide opportunities to connect the company. Quality management solutions
need improvement, and  x what’s broken.
and people who strive to con nually with people who can help you succeed.
in the contact center address a glaring need to Traditionally, most service-based businesses 
t the evolve as knowledgeable technology professionals.
• High-quality education features presenters at seminars and record customer interactions for a multitude of have focused on collecting quantitative customer 
I know of no be er organiza on conferences who are experts in the eld.
reasons, such as industry-speci c compliance or contact metrics.  ey’ve built their approach 
to be a part of than ACUTA.
• Valuable publications bring critical information to you in a timely, to document customer interactions. A number around measuring statistics related to call itself, 
yees Keith Fowlkes Director of Informaon Technology pro-active way.
of industries, including insurance, healthcare, including call volumes, call answer time, average o 
y to Services and CIO • Online resources give you access to solutions that will help you meet  nancial services, retail, and government require call handle time, abandonment rates, and queue r
Centre College
the needs of your campus faculty, staff, and students.
businesses to monitor and maintain the quality time, for example.  ese measurements are t
• Professional development opportunities abound at ACUTA, of customer interactions, while staying compliant widely accepted across the industry and typically 
pri- giving you experiences that will help you grow professionally and advance with laws and regulations—thus adding another the business will have invested signi cant sums f 
your career.
layer of complexity.
in enabling their production. Once captured, e
pany In an increasingly competitive market in which organizations o en report these  gures 
yee? customer experience is paramount, management religiously and they invariably become the major o 
ticle Questions: Call Amy at (859) 278-3338.
views these tools as a requisite for success, and indicator to business performance.
are using them across the entire business, from Connecting Campus IT Professionals with Ideas and Solutions
Join Today!
 nance helpdesks, to receptionists, and customer 
support.  e highest-performing companies are
Contact centers, more so than almost 

any other division, face intense 

scrutiny as they operate on the Inc.
Connect and Communicate
frontline and often become the face 

of the company

However, it’s important to note how today’s 
customer-centric business environment is not 
properly re ected by yesterday’s fore-mentioned 
standard metrics. A new-found focus on 
customer satisfaction, and  rst call resolution 
coupled with omni-channel engagements,
has forever altered the landscape of quality 
management. Companies are now looking for 
success with net-promoter scores, zero-contact 
resolution, and the now common customer WE BUY 
satisfaction score.
As such, quality management solutions should YOUR EXCESS
not focus solely on call recording, but also the 
multitudes of media consumers use regularly. 
For example, the ability to capture not just the 
voice recording but the screen that the operator 
is viewing as he or she handles a call enables the 
business to review the whole engagement from 
input to output and more easily identify broken 
Platforms that incorporate speech analytics 
to increase the precision of quality management 
are increasingly attractive. In the context of the 
contact center, businesses can now use speech 
analytics phrase recognition to monitor and 
coach agents in real-time to improve interaction 
consistency without having to analyze calls
a er the fact.  is eliminates the need for poor Retail | Education | Healthcare | Hotel | Government | Military
customer experiences to conclude in order to 
coach from, e ectively boosting satisfaction INSTALLATION
scores in real-time.
Insight from analytics allows management
to truly assess customers’ opinions of them and 
how service representatives perform in various 
situations. Armed with this data, management is Many markets. Onepartner. 
able to address problem areas and develop best 
practices to keep history from repeating itself.
Customer service now provides the 
competitive advantage in any organization. Great 
amounts of high value, customer information From retail point-of-sale, college dormitory, patient room, and 
 ows through receptionists, helpdesks, contact of ce, to hotel, and military lodging applications, specify Cetis 
centers, and online interaction tools, such as 
chat, every day.  erefore, it’s no surprise that analog and VoIP telephones for all of your vertical market sales 
quality management and speech analytics are top opportunities. Write for model and pricing
om installation services to excess purchasing, A1 Teletronics does it all.
priorities for 2016. ■
details, or visit
pendent distribution within the telecommunications and networking channel e 
cation to quality and service. We’ll help you connect and communicate.
Call: 360 260-9708 
• Toll Free: 
800 667-8965
© 2016 Cetis, Inc. Cetis, Inc. is a U.S. corporation, incorporated in the State of Delaware and headquartered in Colorado. Product speci cations and descriptions http:// 
in this document subject to change without notice. Cetis®, Teledex®, TeleMatrix®, and Scitec® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cetis, Inc.
telecomreseller. TELECOM
nics, Inc. is not affiliated with the manufacturers of the products it sells except as expressly noted otherwise. in-print/telecom- reseller/
ith the manufacturers’ names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.

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