Page 9 - Telecom Reseller FebMar 2016
P. 9
February/March 2016
Telecom Reseller 9
continued from page 3
Unfortunately, the past few years have also A: e height of most telecom operators’ to gain access to a SS7 network through a remote, solution requires global threat intelligence and
brought attention to the new ways hackers attention is on vulnerabilities associated with
unauthorized host. Updates to allow SS7 to run advanced analytics versus blocking suspicious
intercept personal information through these SS7 and signaling. SS7 is assumed to be a trusted over IP, however, provided some pros and cons. tra c on the network. As there are multiple
mobile devices. It is therefore important to be network as it is widely used by cellular companies Pro: greater bandwidth and reliability. Con: new entry points in a Signaling network, there are
wary of the vulnerabilities that hackers might to enable mobile subscribers to communicate points of vulnerability for private information to also several layers of protection that can be
take advantage of that would jeopardize mobile with others. With the ongoing accelerated become exposed beyond the original closed circle incorporated in order to prevent attacks. Such
operators and customers alike.
evolution of advanced technology such as the of mobile operators.
layers include:
To delve into these vulnerabilities, here Internet of ings (IoT) and mobile volume, Telecom engineers began warning of possible ● Filter and control incoming MAP/CAP
are some of the highest priority industry hackers have found ways to take advantage of this risks because the IP transport layer was not request received
considerations and security concerns for seemingly “safe” technology and are able to gain designed to detect acceptable versus unacceptable ● Active validation of the originating entity
operators heading into the New Year:
unauthorized access to private information.
tra c and in 2008 this vulnerability was openly ● VLR/MSC update validation
Such access has been viewed as a massive discussed for the rst time. During the 2008 ● Detection of the unusual MSU sequences
Q: What is the greatest concern for telecom security aw by telecom operators because
Chaos Computer Club Conference, German ● O ine data analytics
operators in 2016?
it gives hackers access to mobile subscriber’s Researchers demonstrated how the location of a
identities, locations and also provides hackers mobile phone could be determined in an attempt ese layers are more advanced than a regular
A: e greatest concern for many industries with the ability to intercept texts and block to bring the issue to light. SS7 vulnerabilities IP rewall and are preferred in order to screen
and certainly top of mind for telecom operators calls. Most concerning is the fact that there are a again entered the spotlight in 2013, and continue tra c. ey allow telecom operators to recognize
is mobile security. Almost every week a new number of entry points in a signaling network, to be an issue, but solutions are now being put threats easily and prevent attacks.
company announces some sort of data breach. which can be exposed at various levels. Telecom forth in order to protect personal information Protecting the network and our mobile devices
Many of us keep personal information on our operators are now actively looking for these from entering the wrong hands.
will only continue to grow in importance as each
phones, so it’s important that our mobile devices threats to protect their networks in order to new mobile app makes it easier to keep the world
do not become susceptible to these hacks. prevent attacks.
Q: What can be done to protect against SS7 at our ngertips.
Telecom operators are most concerned not only fraud?
Protecting bank numbers and emails may
about invasions of privacy, but also revenue loss Q: Are SS7 vulnerabilities a new concern?
be top of mind, but hackers have found a way
and general dissatisfaction from customers, if A: ere are a few ways providers can protect to be even more intrusive by nding real-time
networks are hacked.
A: No, it’s not a new concern. SS7 originally the network against fraud. One of the most information on subscriber location and status. It’s
dates back to the 1970s and started as simply a important strategies to consider when protecting encouraging to see operators utilizing these layer
Q: For telecom operators, what are the network speci c to mobile operators. It required customers from hacks is to provide a solution protections to keep hackers at bay. ■
biggest mobile security laws to be aware of?
specialized equipment to even connect with the that is easily deployable and overlays onto the
closed circle of users, making it nearly impossible
existing network architecture. is type of
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