Page 15 - Telecom Reseller March April 2014
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Wholesale Minutes
Telecom Reseller 15
March/April 2014

Buy audio conference call minutes HAUG
in bulk and save up to 80% Off !
Contionued from page 3
The winter of 2014 was one of the worst system, owners are likely to lose out on 
in history, which was estimated to cost the business during disasters since there’s 
economy a whopping $15 billion, accord- no way to communicate with clients or 
ing to NBC News ( employees. This can be extremely costly 
These weather-related business losses will to businesses, even if phone systems are 
likely never be made up.
down only for a day. A good phone system 
According to a recent article by disaster recovery service will mirror a busi- 
International Business Times ( ness’ primary phone system and take over 
mcwhz4j), Chicago was hit with 67.9 inches if their on-site PBX fails or if their place 
of snow, which was the 5th snowiest winter of business is inaccessible. An ideal plan 
since 1884 for the city, while Boston saw 53.5 inches of snow – way past their usual will enable calls to be routed to alternate phones, such as cell phones, home phones, 
average. While these businesses were well- or brand phones.
prepared for large amounts of snow, there Whether it’s a day or an entire week that 
were still an unexpected number of power the business is without power, a bottom 
outages. The South, which was much less line can be affected significantly when the 
prepared for the snow and icy conditions, company doesn’t have access to clients, 
compared the recent ice storm devastation customers, employees, or vendors. With a 
in February to that of a hurricane. According VoIP disaster recovery plan, a business can 
to an article by ( stay up and running even during the most 
n7fnbnm), the storm, at its highest peak, left catastrophic events. %
350,000 without power.
With a VoIP disaster recovery plan, For more visit
business owners can rest easy knowing they 
can still communicate with clients, suppli- MEDAK
ers, and their employees in the event of bad 
weather or a natural disaster. Because of Continued from page 13
its backup service, along with the benefits matter), there is no provision in the Definity 
and convenience of mobile apps, VoIP is to receive those digits. Incoming calls to a 
becoming a popular option among many CO-type trunk group are all routed to the 
Why pay more for audio conference minutes?
types of businesses around the world. With destination you enter in the field called 
If you’re company uses or resells more than 100,000 minutes the rising popularity of smart phones and “Incoming Destination” on the first page of 
a month on conference calls, we can save you up to 80%.
mobile devices, it’s important that a busi- the trunk group form. I think you’ve been 
ness’ employees and customers stay con- nected when disaster strikes. A business talking to someone at your provider that 
doesn’t have to worry about their phone isn’t very familiar with some of this older 
Excellent quality of service. Excellent savings too. system going down when they’re backed up technology. %
contact us at:
with a disaster recovery service.
And as always, if you have any questions please call 800- 
Without a remote backup PBX phone
452-6477, or visit us at

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