Page 20 - Telecom Reseller March April 2014
P. 20

March/April 2014
20 Telecom Reseller


Compressing and accelerating the customer interaction experience
African SMS
bridge operator Part 2
Enabling Mobile Portals for Omni- of tablets and smartphones already include 
unifies splintered SMS
Channel Success
video and voice, so the developer need only 
leverage those tools from within the app.
By Sajeel Hussain, Vice President, Marketing & Partner 
The omni-channel contact center should Consider the possibilities of a full ser- networks with cloud Development, CaféX
deliver a consistent user experience across vice omni-channel environment— or, bet- networks
n the previous installment, we looked at 
all mediums while maintaining contextual information. An omni-channel environment ter said, the new realities. Imagine home- the impact that mobile users are having 
provides agents with the tools they need to buyers out touring a neighborhood with BA
y Patrick Kerpan, CEO of CohesiveFT :
on contact center operations, and how
engage efficiently with customers and to their realtor, reviewing market offerings. frica has over 700 million mobile the demand for omni-channel real-time 
expedite a resolution. From the customer’s The couple is on their mobile device con- phone users. According to Jamal interaction is forcing businesses to quickly 
point of view, the mobile app is often the nected to their bank’s mobile app, which, Saghir, the World Bank Director
re-evaluate the viability of their infrastruc- 
preferred portal to the contact center, and thanks to the now embedded omni-channel ture in order to support evolving consumer for Sustainable Development in the Africa 
the seamless incorporation of new channels communication modes like voice, video, preferences. The easy access of voice, web, Region, “the Internet and mobile phones 
such as in-app video and voice are needed screen sharing, and text allows them to chat, email and other data communications are transforming the development land- 
to ensure the single-stream experience. simultaneously speak to an agent, review means that end users want instant access to scape in Africa, injecting new dynamism 
Fortunately, adding these capabilities does mortgage options, send photos or videos of information, and demand that their provid- in key sectors.” In 2010, Aa small pan- 
not necessarily require a total overhaul of the home, secure quotes on interest rates,
ers accommodate their preferences, not African SMS bridge operator saw an oppor- 
existing systems. The powerful capabilities
See HUSSAIN, page 21
vice versa.
tunity to help brands use SMS advertising 
more effectively with an SMS network 
infrastructure made up of multiple national IntelliSIPTM 
carriers throughout Africa. The firm also 
recognized that, in Africa, it is expensive and challenging to join up SMS traffic 
across countries and providers with a tradi- 
tional telco approach. End users and mobile 
retailers have significant network issues to 
overcome just to connect. People cope by 
buying additional phones and SIM cards, The
or calling and quickly hanging up to signal 
the other end to switch SIM cards, called 
“flashing” in some regions.
The SMS bridge operator chose a new Intelligent
and different approach: they began using 
cloud networks on top of public cloud. 
Effectively, cloud networks free telcos 
from the underlying hardware and geog- raphy. Central to the African SMS bridge Way to Grow 
operator’s solution is how cloud networks 
use network function virtualization (NFV) 
to connect clouds to existing physical 
environments to create a common, secure Your Telecom 
connection for customer and partner end 
points. This allows the firm to create a 
joined cloud-based overlay network over 
top of public clouds.
The SMS bridge operator’s cloud net- 
work can deploy practically any hybrid 
cloud resource across hardware vendors or 
geographic locations via encrypted IPsec 
tunnels. Using a web-based UI, the team manages their network with the knowledge 
that it is secure and reliable.
Make Industry Leading Commissions
The firm began their cloud networking 
project with cloud IaaS resources based in the Add a New Recurring Revenue Stream
British Isles. They connected their resources 
with partner and customer end points in an Cut Every Customers Phone Bill by up to 70% 
overlay virtual private network (VPN), mak- 
ing a global network from one logical group It’s a Win-Win Proposition
of compute and networking resource.
The SMS bridge operator network also They Get New Features and a Lower Phone Bill 
enables traditional network features not 
often found in cloud networks, such as You Get a New Recurring Revenue Stream
IPsec security, BGP peering, and a dedi- 
cated block of public IPv4 addresses. The resources created a “virtual LAN” infra- 
structure, much like a traditional local area Up to 40 Million Lines will Convert to VoIP by 2015 
network (LAN). By patching the national 
and trans-national carrier networks togeth- Don’t Miss the Boat!
er, the firm avoided the large capital outlay 
required to buy physical networking and 
data center equipment.
Dealers Contact Us: 
The cloud infrastructure and the overlay 
network instantly made the SMS integra- 
tor “look like a telco” by operating a large 888.324.2334
network at production scale.
Now the SMS bridge operator’s telecom 
customers can easily and reliably connect Certified Interoperability with:
without the costs of dedicated physical infrastructure. The firm brought a remark- 
ably cost effective solution to market that 
allows customers to easily and reliably BUSINESS PHONE SERVICE & SYSTEMS
Avaya, Toshiba, Panasonic, 
connect. Their overlay network, based on 
a cloud provider’s infrastructure, allowed Microsoft Lync Express by Sangoma
them to bridge the splintered telco market 
in sub-Saharan Africa. Now, their innova- 
tive solution lets mobile end users to con- 
nect with ease and discover new worlds of 
mobile commerce. %
For more visit

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