Page 19 - Telecom Reseller March April 2014
P. 19

Telecom Reseller
March/April 2014

Ask A Pro

Connect and Communicate
comparable levels of service. The biggest QIs an MDM solution required to support BYOD?
Save money by extending the life business effect will be financial. Incentives 
MDM (Mobile Device Management)
to migrate to IP services will be offered by A
of your existing equipment.
software is not required to support
carriers and prices for legacy services will 
increase to encourage early migration. %
BYOD; however, data security tops the list 
of enterprise concerns for mobile users. A 
variety of methods for securing data are 
A1’s repair services will save you money by increasing CoLweLL
available, but the ultimate determination 
of how to secure data within a BYOD pro- 
the life of your equipment. Our technicians are fully gram is dependent upon specific business
trained in the planning, configuration, programming The key to suc- equirements. r
and installation of telecom systems. In addition, all cessful telecom What does PSTN transitioning mean for busi- Q
repairs are backed by a two-year warranty.
A PSTN transitioning will decommis-
sion the traditional switched telephone 
800.797.2983 network and replace it with an IP-based By Timothy C. Colwell, Senior Vice President of Global 
ISO 9001
network. Measures are being established Business Analytics AOTMP
AscdiNatd The global alliance of the it channel
usiness leaders define success in by the FCC to ensure that during the 
financial terms. The business of
technology transition all customers receive
As an Independent Distributor, A1 Teletronics, Inc. is not affiliated with the manufacturers of the products it sells except as expressly noted otherwise. Any and all trademark rights associated with the manufacturers’ names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.
telecom management is no different.
When fixed and mobile telecom services 
are delivered for the most effective cost, 
then financial success is achieved and the 
telecom management practice is success- 
ful. The objective is simple, but execution 
against the objective is incredibly com- 
plex. Technology changes rapidly, carriers 
reconfigure services and rates frequently, 
and service consumption is insatiable. The 
frequency of change in fixed and mobile 
telecom environments is the force that 
consistently challenges the goal of optimal 
service-to-cost performance.
Control over change is the singular key 
to success for every telecom management 
program. Technical, operational and finan- 
cial control enables telecom professionals 
to manage effectively and efficiently. The 
genesis of control is a telecom environment 
baseline. A baseline includes all services, Nick Davis is a VIP customer 
technology and vendors that comprise the 
telecom environment. A solid baseline that He prefers to use email
has been evaluated and validated improves 
the ability of telecom management practi- And I’m his preferred agent 
tioners to identify service waste, optimize 
network services and drive unncessesary His emails get routed to me
cost out of the environment.
Establishing a baseline of resources I check his contact history 
managing the telecom environment and 
the processes that guide workflow is also Respond to his question promptly 
necessary. Optimizing the methods of man- 
aging the telecom environment and the Give him the VIP treatment 
structure of the organization improves ser- 
vice delivery ability, increases operational Makes him happy
efficiency, and improves the total cost of 
telecom ownership.
Which makes my job easy
The highest level of telecom manage- 
ment success is achieved when complete 
control of the environment is gained. To 
gain complete control, focus on estab- 
lishing a telecom environment baseline, 
validating the baseline, and optimizing the 
technical and operational elements of the 
environment to improve financial perfor- 
mance. %

For more visit


Continued from page 3
a day, just to see how they were able to 
slowly turn sand into a majestic castle was 
For those that attended, the session 
recordings will be available at: www.enter- You’ll receive 
an email with log-in credentials to access 
the recordings.
We’ve already started planning for our 
Enterprise Connect 2015 participation and 
hope to see you at the event too. %
You can keep the conversation going with Alan on Twitter 

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