Page 21 - Telecom Reseller March April 2014
P. 21

Telecom Reseller
21 March/April 2014


Continued from page 21
Keeping up with BYOD – Six essentials 
become pre-qualified on the phone, receive nication modes were most appropriate for 
electronic loan pre-approvals on the spot, each moment. In the end, both encounters for successful implementation
and because of these extended capabilities, were brought to positive resolution in a 
put themselves in a dominant buyer’s posi- more compressed and accelerated time- Part 1
Essential 1: Understanding 
tion to more confidently negotiate and more frame.
Your Regulations and Business 
knowledgeably enter into contract — all Compress. Accelerate. Succeed.
By Sam Ganga, Executive Vice President, Commercial 
without breaking mobile stride.
The lesson to learn here is that the In order to successfully implement a Division, DMI
Or, perhaps it’s a remote service sce- above scenarios, and the universal busi- BYOD strategy, an organization must cre- he current practice of employers pro- 
nario on an appliance warranty, where the ness engagements they represent, no longer ate policies to address the business, legal, viding employees with technological
customer taps to launch his mobile app on reflect a distant blue-sky future; quite the technical and governance issues stemming hardware seems to be on its way
his smartphone and is able to speak with an agent to discuss a problem, send a snapshot contrary. This juncture is the place where from integrating employee owned devices. out. Organizations are moving towards 
of the serial number to confirm the model both industry and commerce find them- Key questions to ask are:
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) where the 
and verify the terms of the warranty, or selves today: Where omni-channel com- employees bring their own handheld devices 
scan the barcode sticker to accomplish the munication in the contact center must be What is the company’s goal with to work. In fact, of all the smartphones used 
same in one quick step, initiate a videocon- complementary to the broad range of func- its BYOD policy?
for business operations in 2013, 56 percent 
ference with a remote technician to trouble- tionality options on mobile devices so that • What are the regulatory and compliance
are employee owned. That number is expect- 
shoot in real time, or, if necessary, schedule both can substantially compress and accel- requirements for the industry/organization? ed to jump to 85 percent in 2016.
a repair technician’s visit to the home — all erate each consumer-merchant encounter. • What are the country-specific laws?
However, with all these new unman- 
without ever losing contact with the agent Such seamless integration is a winning • What distinct groups of mobile users
aged devices being introduced to networks, 
or the context of the interaction.
formula that prepares today’s contact center does the company have?
IT teams are having a difficult time keep- ing up. IT departments already struggled 
What’s the beneficial common end result not only to address the omni-channel com- • What information and applications does
to protect networks as well as track and 
in both of these everyday illustrations? That munication tempest that is rapidly brewing each division need?
safeguard corporate data from loss or theft 
the efficiency of each sales and service in mobile customer interaction, but also to • What levels of security will need to be
applied to this information?
before employees could bring their devic- 
experience was significantly enhanced: The successfully weather the mounting storm • How much data does each division use? es home with them. Now with BYOD, 
contact center agents involved were able and come out ahead of languishing com- • What travel requirements and other envi-
employees can do whatever they want on 
to function more capably and productive- petitors.
ronmental factors need to be considered?
their device often with little regard for the 
ly; the consumer felt more empowered, About the author
organization’s security. Furthermore, their 
engaged, and in control at every step of the Sajeel Hussain ( Essential 2: Creating a Policy from small size makes these devices particularly 
session, and both agent and consumer were leads marketing and partner programs at Scratch
easy to steal.
able to switch between whatever commu-
CaféX Communications (
To begin creating a BYOD policy, an It takes more than a technology update 
organization must address these issues:
to have a successful BYOD implementa- 
• Sourcing: This policy will determine
tion. Organizations need to consider busi- 
whether employees purchase devices any-
ness policies, legal policies, management 
where or only from preferred vendors.
and governance as well. Specific BYOD ONLINE
• Supporting Devices: It’s unrealistic to practices will differ between organizations, WebRTC Now
expect your IT team to support every
but there will be six main issues all organi- 
See GANGA, page 26
zations will need to address.

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