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4 WebRTC Special
November 2014
How Can Uniied 
3CX Phone
3CX Phone System stands out in the
Communications IP PBX market. As such we’ve been a 
forerunner in the adoption of WebRTC, System
with the latest version of 3CX Phone 
System enabling click-to-call through
Increase Business
the WebRTC gateway. We are seeing an v12.5 Beta
increasing demand from our customers for 
such features, which will enable them to 
communicate and collaborate more easily 
with their customers.
With click-to-call, website visitors can 
make a free voice or video call directly to
a business through the Internet browser, without the need to download any Owen
additional sotware. When a visitor clicks B
on the embedded call button, a VoIP call
by Jeff Owen
usiness phone systems and 
is initiated via 3CX Phone System. With communications solutions have come a A
3CX’s click-to-call function, businesses can 3CX was founded in 2005
long way in the past decade, in particular
also elevate a call to ofer screen sharing so with the shit towards IP-based solutions ofering 
customers can be shown new products or by entrepreneur Nick Galea UC features. As more companies look to move by Helen Ayres - 
ofered assistance.
who saw the need for an open away from their old proprietary phone systems PR Executive
Businesses using 3CX Phone System standard software PBX for towards such solutions, the demand for Uniied 
12.5 can publish any number of call button Communications (UC) features has grown.
By being able to view others’ presence 
links enabling customers to be directed
Microsoft Windows. They In fact, recent research from Sotware Advice information saves time and avoids unnecessary 
to the correct person or customer service recently announced the Beta shows that 76% of small and medium sized- call transfers. If for example you want to transfer a 
team. As inbound calls via the click-to-call version of their 3CX Phone businesses are interested in purchasing a UC client call to an extension, you can irst check and 
function are free, businesses can reduce the System 12.5. To learn more solution (Sotware Advice, 2014). One of the key see if that extension is busy and then make the 
cost of expensive 800 number calls. his reasons driving the adoption of UC solutions is transfer, or transfer it to another extension. he 
new feature is also ofered as a WordPress about what this new release the productivity gains which can be achieved for presence feature also allows employees to inform 
plugin so that it can be easily integrated contains we spoke with CEO, all sizes and types of organisation. In a nutshell, their colleagues about their current status and 
into a business’s website.
Nick Galea.
UC enables greater mobility and more efective control how their calls are handled. For instance, 
communication and collaboration.
if you are in a meeting you can set your status to 
TR: At least one of the enhancements within 3CX Phone Enjoy greater mobility
away so that calls will be automatically diverted to another extension or to your voice mail.
System 12.5 Beta is a direct result of TR: Please give us an overview of With the rise of remote workers and increasing 
customer feedback via what’s in this new version.
number of companies using hot desking, Boost collaboration with
ideas. Can you tell us more about your employees need to be able to answer their
colleagues and customers
use of customer feedback?
Galea: 3CX Phone System 12.5 beta desk phone from a variety of devices and from Moreover, uniied communications features can 
builds on the proven and ielded test wherever they are working. UC enables greater boost collaboration within businesses by enabling 
Galea: As a 100% channel company
architecture of version 12 to provide a mobility in a number of ways, including the one employees to interact more easily across diferent 
we greatly value the feedback from our range of new uniied communications number concept and the provision of sotphones.
mediums, in particular with tools such as video 
partners. Earlier this year we updated our features. he beta focuses in particular on he one number concept enables employees
conferencing and instant messaging, enable real- 
Ideas App making it easier for partners to leveraging WebRTC technology, which to answer their main phone number from a time communication.
leave their suggestions by enabling partners enables voice and video calls to take place sotphone on their PC, smartphone or tablet. his It is now possible to set-up video conferences 
to log in via Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. through the internet browser, without the mean that employees no longer need to give out
with a few clicks and collaborate with colleagues 
In response to an idea submitted to the need for any additional sotware or plug- a separate oice mobile number, or worse their or customers around the world. Visual 
Ideas App we have now implemented an ins.
own personal number. Considering that 60% of collaboration can provide a valuable and efective 
automatic callback feature in blind transfer We’ve taken WebRTC beyond 3CX workers carry out work communications outside way of communicating with customers and 
which is included in the 12.5 beta.
WebMeeting, our web conferencing oice hours the one number concept is extremely suppliers, enabling businesses to give product 
We look forward to receiving feedback solution, to enable our end users to ofer useful (Ofcom, 2014). Moreover, ofering demonstrations and pitches. Being able to discuss 
from our partners on the beta version so an ultra-personalized customer interaction employees greater mobility and the ability to face-to-face, in contrast to impersonal conference 
that we can incorporate their suggestions into the inal version of 3CX Phone System through click-to-call. Imagine clicking
on a website button and launching a call work at home is linked to increased productivity and greater job satisfaction.
calls, can boost creative collaboration and enable business to make faster decisions.
in which a staf member can discuss the 
product or service you were thinking Communicate more efectively
he future of UC
TR: Who can access and use 3CX about buying - a real person, in real-time, One the most cited beneits of uniied Businesses which have implemented the latest 
Phone System v12.5 Beta?
interactively showing you the features you communications is the presence feature. UC solutions are able to achieve improved 
ask to be shown. his is now possible for Knowing where your intended recipients are
productivity and eiciency savings by 
Galea: 3CX Phone System 12.5 beta is businesses with 3CX Phone System.
and whether they are available in real time ofers communicating more efectively internally and 
available to all our partners and end users. We’ve also updated and added additional great beneits for businesses. Research shows that externally with their colleagues and customers. 
You just need to download and activate it features to the 3CXPhone clients. half of the companies using a presence feature Uniied communications applications are set to 
with the demo key. All the details can be 3CXPhone for Mac now features improved ‘reported fewer repeated messages, or ‘telephone become increasingly sophisticated, particularly 
found at the end of the 3CX blog post on echo cancellation, the ability to schedule tag’- with many employees saving as much as with the emergence of WebRTC. his presents 
the beta release:
call and web conferences and other three hours per week, or 150 hours per year great gains to business and those resellers who 
enhancements, such as better phonebook (Cisco Systems).
are looking for proitable revenue streams.
TR: Finally, you’ve added more VoIP handling.
providers. Can you tell us how many We’ve also updated 3CXPhone for 
you’re now aligned with and who some Windows making it possible to elevate 
of the major players are?
chats to WebRTC calls and create web Hassle
meetings within seconds.
Galea: 3CX Phone System 12.5 will include over 20 new VoIP providers and
he beta version of 12.5 also ofers new advanced telephony features making 3CX Free Web 
we are adding more every day. We will also Phone System even easier to use for the end Conferencing 
include full support for Htek IP phones to user. It is now possible to return a blind 
enable businesses to enjoy all the features transfer call back to the transfer or if the with WebRTC
of 3CX Phone System at unbeatable value. recipient cannot take the call, as well as 
3CX Phone System 12.5 will also provide automatic callback if the party you wish
support for a range of legacy Polycom to reach is busy. What’s more, it is now 
SoundStation IP conference phones and possible to perform an attended transfer in 
Polycom SoundPoint IP phones. For those CTI mode, right from the user’s desktop.
businesses who wish to switch to 3CX, this 
makes the cost of deployment far lower and TR: Tell us more about the WebRTC 
means that their employees do not need to gateway and why you choose to 
learn how to use a new handset.
incorporate it into this release.
3CX WebMeeting harnesses Google’s revolutionary WebRTC technology, which 
enables video and voice communications to take place through the internet browser, 
More at
Galea: From the outset we have been meaning that participants will be able to seamlessly join meetings without the need 
Read the blogs at
committed to innovation, ensuring that
to download any additional software or plug-ins.

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