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November 2014
WebRTC Special 5
Selecting a New Business Phone 
Another major advantage of a sotware-based 
PBX is that it can be integrated with a number 
System- What to Consider?
of other business applications including: 
Salesforce, Microsot Dynamics CRM, Sage 
ACT!, SugarCRM and Google Contacts. For 
example, a company could automatically
match a caller ID to a customer name, so when 
Ithis customer calls their name will appear 
n the past ten years the IT revolution has existing IT infrastructure, it is also much
immediately. With customer service being a A
sent shockwaves through the PBX market, cheaper and easier to maintain since businesses key diferentiator in today’s competitive global LLERY
with agile sotware-based companies do not need to spend additional resources on
market, CRM integration enables companies 
now rivalling the traditional proprietary PBX training their IT administrator.
to improve productivity and connect more by Bianca Allery, 
providers. With a multitude of new solutions on Easy to back-up
efectively with their customers.
Marketing Manager, 3CX
ofer, CIOs need to carefully weigh up the costs and features of each.
saving on hardware costs, energy As a business’ phone system is a lifeline to its Designed for the IT administrator
A businesses’ choice of phone system will consumption and administration costs. It is customers, reliability is key. With a sotware- Moreover, a sotware-based PBX leverages
deine its lifetime costs. It is therefore essential also much easier to scale a sotware-based
based PBX it is straightforward to backup the a company’s existing IT infrastructure and
for businesses to consider in advance what they PBX in comparison to a traditional PBX or an phone system, so in the event of a hardware is therefore much cheaper to purchase and 
really want from their phone system, both in the appliance, as modern server hardware enables failure, the phone system can be restored onto maintain. With a sotware-based phone system, 
short and long term.
companies to add almost unlimited extensions, another machine in a matter of minutes. If companies do not need to spend additional
lines and functions.
the PBX is being run
resources on training their
Enter the sotware-based PBX
IT administrator as with virtually, it is also
A businesses’ choice
he emergence of sotware-based phone ‘Plug and play’
proprietary or appliance PBXs. possible to use the
systems has opened up new possibilities for Getting started with the sotware-based PBX
IP phones are also much Hyper V or VMware
of phone system will 
businesses looking for feature-rich, yet cost is straightforward, the coniguration process cheaper than those tied to a backup function to
deine its lifetime costs
efective uniied communication solutions. can be completed in a couple of minutes due
proprietary phone system, save a complete copy
From a technical point of view, a sotware- to auto provisioning and the ‘plug and play’ thanks to open standards and of the PBX to disk. On
based PBX has a number of key advantages ability with IP phones and gateways. his is not more competition in the IP
the other hand, with a
over both ‘big name’ proprietary and ‘black the case with proprietary and appliance PBXs phone market. For those CIOs who take the proprietary or appliance PBX, a company will 
box’ appliance phone systems.
which require external technical support and leap away from ‘big names’ & ‘black boxes’, be let without a phone system until it can get a 
As modern servers have ample processing additional down time to implement upgrades
the lexibility and features ofered by sotware- physical replacement.
power, a sotware-based PBX can run on - an inconvenience to most businesses. As a based phone systems provides exciting new CRM integration- improving customer 
an existing server with other applications,
sotware-based PBX leverages a company’s

Acclaimed Android and iOS VoIP Clients

Halve your Phone Bill

Teleworkers or people working from outside the ofice can make calls free of charge 
– saving you signiicant charges. Connect remote ofices by using bridges and all calls 
between ofices are free. International DIDs and IP Telephony allow customers to call 
you cheaply and increase customer satisfaction.

Easy management, Windows server software that is supported on VMware. By using 
3CX Phone System for Windows with VMware vSphere® 5.X, businesses can rid 
themselves of expensive and dificult to manage PBX hardware and consolidate 
their telecoms infrastructure onto their VMware platforms, enabling them to make 
signiicant savings on server and administration costs.

3CX features native Android and iOS VoIP clients that are continuously updated and 
tested and set the standard for mobile phone VoIP clients. With an inbuilt tunnel to 
avoid remote irewall issues, calling from over 3G or from any Wii hotspot is extremely 
reliable. 3CX Android and iOS clients fully support PUSH, allowing the phone to be on 
standby and save battery life.

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