Page 10 - Avaya Extra Q2 2015
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10 Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya
2nd Quarter 2015
DOWLING with leading companies in the cloud ecosystem, skills and business processes necessary to deliver percent reduction in equipment and maintenance
continued from page 1 recruiting strategic partners to bring cloud high value cloud-based solutions.
costs–with no downtime and no dropped calls.
solutions to market. We have partnered with:
Our solutions that deliver engagement-as-a- “It’s hard for me to believe, being a dyed-in-
Not every customer wants the same cloud
Google to ofer customer engagement service are delivered to market via an ecosystem the-wool, committed-to-stability dial tone guy,
solution—public versus private, infrastructure solutions for remote agents (Avaya Agent
of business partners.
but it’s more than adequate enough,” said Joe
versus applications, team engagement versus for Chrome) and cloud-based contact center Service providers like BT, Verizon and McCorkle, RealPage Director of IT for Voice and
customer engagement, multi-tenant versus infrastructure (Customer Engagement OnAvaya Windstream are building OnAvaya cloud UC Services, summing up his experience with
multi-instance, etc. Avaya has adopted a strategy Powered by Google Cloud).
solutions and bundling them with network OnAvaya’s virtualized private cloud UCaaS.
leveraging shared investment in cloud capabilities HP to build the cloud business by jointly access, while systems integrators and distributors How can Avaya help your company achieve
across the broad market.
creating Collaboration Pods to host public and like Dimension Data, Synnex and Catalyst are better business outcomes with the cloud? Visit
We ofer Avaya-branded solutions (such as private cloud solutions and delivering public and integrating engagement capabilities into business our cloud solutions page for more.
AvayaLive Video) directly to the market, Avaya- private cloud services. We’re also migrating HP’s applications and processes.
A Uniied Communications and Collaboration
powered solutions (like uniied communications- internal customer engagement solutions to a Both paths to market have direct impact
Cloud Evangelist with Avaya, Henry Dewing has
as-a-service and contact center-as-a-service ofered by BT Wholesale) through business cloud-based model built with OnAvaya.
VMWare to ofer VCloud Air services to host on our customers’ success. OnAvaya solution adoption has led to higher revenues and spent more than a decade as an advisor to the telecommunications industry in roles including
partners, and professional services and platforms engagement solutions in their public cloud. customer satisfaction and reduced costs and Managing Consultant at AT Kearney, and
(like Avaya Private Cloud Services and Avaya to integrate our customer cycle times. For example, when Dimension Data Principal Analyst at Forrester Research. He has
Collaboration Pods) to help businesses drive engagement solutions with SFDC customer
delivered contact center-as-a-service solutions to worked in a varietry of roles across all aspects of
their own cloud strategy.
relationship and sales force automation their clients in the inancial services sector in the the industry, deining strategies to thrive in the
Using core technologies like Avaya Aura and management.
UK, they quickly found that CSAT, Net Promoter, face of major technical and market changes, from
Avaya Scopia, and working with partners like We’ve worked with these partners to develop and other objective measures of customer stored program control and advanced intelligent
VMWare and HP, Avaya is creating platforms joint sales and go-to-market programs to identify satisfaction improved.
networks to cloud and social business. Henry has
that deliver engagement solutions on cutting- market segments with the greatest need for our When RealPage implemented a virtualized held increasingly responsible positions at Avaya,
edge cloud platforms.
cloud solutions, working to enable our combined private cloud solution to meet their Forrester Research, AT Kearney, Nokia, Intel,
Avaya has worked in the labs and on the road
set of channels, and business partners to learn the
communications requirements, they saw a 30
Compaq Computer, and Bell Atlantic. ■
AUDIN continued from page 1 networking among IAUG members and vendors. he IAUG primary goals are to:
the IAUG just started a chapter in Dubai with
here are 5200 IAUG members with about 3000 ● Advocate on behalf of the needs and over 300 people attending making it the largest
expected to attend the conference. Another interests of Avaya customers;
chapter launch in IAUG history. IAUG members
he upcoming IAUG CONVERGE 15 http://
networking opportunity is for customers to
● Provide a direct channel of feedback from are also part of their local chapters who meet to conference is being meet and talk to Avaya executives during the customers to Avaya leadership;
network and learn about tools and technologies
held in Denver, CO from June 14 to 18. he conference. his form of networking is one of the ● Serve as a conduit of product and company that beneit their organizations. ■
For membership information, go to http://
theme of this year’s conference is “Powering Global Communications, he communications major thrusts of the conference.
he IAUG combines the previous Avaya
information from Avaya to its customers;
Provide training, industry news, networking
technology landscape is changing daily.
and heritage Nortel user groups into one of the ● opportunities, and other value-adds to Avaya
IAUG CONVERGE gives you the resources, world’s largest international organizations for customers;
connections, and forum to navigate it all!” communications technology professionals. As the ● Create valuable networks among Avaya
he conference is a valuable forum and
forum for the global Avaya customer community, customers; and
meeting place for Avaya and Nortel customers IAUG provides a voice and resource for Avaya ● Facilitate a positive, productive relationship Call: 360 260-9708 •
to learn more at over 200+ educational sessions. customers everywhere and has accomplished for between Avaya and its customers
Toll Free: 800 667-8965
Fax: 360 260-9726
he many sessions and exhibitors foster the
35 years.
he word international is important because
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