Page 11 - Avaya Extra Q2 2015
P. 11
2nd Quarter 2015
Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya 11
911 ETC’s CrisisConnect for Cable & Wireless Communications Recognized
VoIP Now Rated “Avaya
as Avaya Central America and the Caribbean
Compliant” with IP Ofice
continued from page 3....
Mid-Market Partner of the Year
to submit products for compliance testing by
the Avaya Solution Interoperability and Test Cable & Wireless Communications (CWC) and thus a vital piece of our business plans. We and medium companies achieve faster and more
Lab. here, a team of Avaya engineers develops today announced it has been recognized as look forward to continue working with key eicient communications, improve productivity,
a comprehensive test plan for each application Avaya Central America and the Caribbean partners, such as Avaya, in helping small and and cut costs.
to verify whether it is Avaya compatible. Doing Mid-Market Partner of the Year for 2014. In medium companies grow in the region, while “With the integration of Columbus, Cable
so enables businesses to conidently add best- addition to this win, Cable and Wireless received providing them with the best ICT products and & Wireless Communications is positioned to
in-class capabilities to their network without having to replace their existing infrastructure— nominations for Project of the Year, Salesperson of the Year and Pre-Sales Engineer of the year. solutions,” said John Maduri, President Cable & Wireless Business.
excel as one of the region’s top ICT providers. As Avaya’s irst and longest running Platinum
speeding deployment of new applications
he company received the award during Avaya’s CWC has been Avaya’s platinum Partner for Partner in the Caribbean and Central America,
and reducing both network complexity and recent Partner Engage Week Event in Miami, FL. the past ive years, the highest partner status we are glad to be one of Cable & Wireless’
implementation costs.
“We are honored to receive this award
level in Avaya’s Channel Relationship hierarchy. partners of choice and continue working
“As a DevConnect Technology Partner from Avaya that serves as a testament to our With this award, Avaya recognizes CWC’s together to deliver innovative solutions to
since 2003, 911 ETC is committed to working team’s hard work and dedication in serving
commitment to the region shown through companies and governments in the region,”
with Avaya to help businesses establish and our customers with excellence. he Small and increased synergy and collaboration as well
said Galib Karim, Managing Director, Avaya
maintain E911 compliance,” stated Bill Svien, Medium enterprise segment is one of the largest LATAM. ■
as the launching of new initiatives such as
VP Corporate Strategy, 911 ETC. “With the growing in the Caribbean and Latin America
myOFFICE, a business solution that helps small
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increased capabilities that IP Oice 9.0 ofers
organizations, this compliance testing is a key Avaya SDN Fx Brings Businesses Closer to Enabling
milestone toward accomplishing that end.”
“911 ETC compliance-tested solutions are
helping our customers maintain full E911 Uniied Access and the Internet of Things
compliance by properly routing 9-1-1 calls
to the Public Safety Answering Point local to
the outgoing call,” stated Eric Rossman, Vice
President Developer Relations, Avaya. ■
Avaya today announced an addition to the 88 percent of respondents expect to put SDN “connect anything, anywhere” simplicity. An
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company’s SDN Fx architecture to help bring into production at some point in the future, with ideal foundation on which to build Internet of
businesses one step closer to enabling Uniied Access and the Internet of hings - minus the the average timeline of approximately 1.6 years. Nearly 45 percent of respondents didn’t have a Everything strategies, this extensibility makes it much easier to accommodate and conigure the
disruption found in many major technology speciic timeframe for deployment; however,
escalating number of intelligent devices and users
transitions. A new line of next-generation, 89 percent of C-level executives said that SDN at the edge that need to be connected.
premium stackable Ethernet switches, the ERS deployment needs to be simple for them to he Avaya ERS 5900 series of premium,
5900 series, optimized for Avaya Fabric Connect, consider adoption.
stackable Ethernet switches takes another
allows companies to support new and emerging he Avaya SDN Fx architecture is the irst to signiicant step toward full network automation
technologies as well as existing ones.
deliver automation and programmability from
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According to a recent global Avaya survey[1],
the network core to the user edge, providing
continues on page 12 ››
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