Page 13 - Avaya Extra Q2 2015
P. 13

2nd Quarter 2015 Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya 13

HeyWire LiveText Customer Texting Service Now prefer to text with a service agent. With that
in mind, businesses can’t aford to overlook
Interoperable with Avaya IP Ofice Contact Center
text messaging as a support channel. Proven 
interoperability with Avaya IP Oice Contact 
Center will help us bring HeyWire two-way 
customer texting innovations to contact centers 
in small and midsize businesses, enabling a true HeyWire, a leading enterprise text messaging numbers. Agents can use familiar worklows investment in its network.
multichannel customer experience.” -- Meredith service provider for connecting customers
from their contact center consoles to easily add As a Technology Partner, HeyWire is eligible
Flynn-Ripley, CEO, HeyWire
with businesses, today announced that its a texting channel for customer conversations to submit products for compliance testing by 
HeyWire LiveText service has been successfully and issue resolution.
the Avaya Solution Interoperability and Test 
“Consumers are increasingly demanding tested for interoperability with a key contact Optimized speciically for contact center Lab. here, a team of Avaya engineers develops 
the convenience of text messaging when center solution from Avaya, a global provider environments, HeyWire LiveText provides a a comprehensive test plan for each application 
communicating with companies. he of solutions that enable customer and team cost-efective, intuitive and scalable support to verify whether it is Avaya compatible. Doing 
interoperability of HeyWire LiveText with Avaya IP Oice Contact Center will allow engagement across multiple channels and devices for better customer experience, channel that meets the needs of today’s mobile-irst customers. he application is so enables businesses to conidently add best- in-class capabilities to their network without 
our customers to quickly and easily add this increased productivity and enhanced inancial now interoperability tested by Avaya for having to replace their existing infrastructure 
emerging support channel to their contact performance.
compatibility with Avaya IP Oice 9.1 and – speeding deployment of new applications 
center.” - Eric Rossman, vice president, HeyWire LiveText brings two-way, SMS, Avaya IP Oice Contact Center 9.1.
and reducing both network complexity and 
Developer Relations, Avaya ■
customer texting to contact centers. he cloud- HeyWire is a Technology Partner in the implementation costs.
based service integrates seamlessly into contact Avaya DevConnect program—an initiative
[1] HeyWire Business Customer Support center systems and allows customers to send to develop, market and sell innovative third- Quotes:
Survey Research Brief. 2 April, 2014. tinyurl. text messages to sales and service agents via a party products that interoperate with Avaya “More than 50 percent of consumers in a 
company’s existing toll-free or business phone
technology and extend the value of a company’s
recent HeyWire survey[1] said they would

communication infrastructure. As evidenced GOMES continued from page 4 to be easily read or enrich the interaction experience inside the contact center by enabling 
by adapting to Voice-over-IP and SIP, Avaya context.
them to receive calls directly on their browser. 
has a proven track record with integrating new Context could persist in a traditional
hat is the case of the Avaya Agent for Chrome 
technologies into its existing infrastructure.
Development Platform and the Avaya WebRTC
disk database to feed business intelligence solution, a combined efort between Avaya
To learn more about WebRTC, Avaya Agent Snap-in–allows the user to translate this call to applications and big data initiatives that exploit and Google to allow contact centers to rapidly 
for Chrome and their powerful impact in your SIP to be routed to an Avaya Aura core, reusing the data received by Context Store from the deploy new agent positions where the agents 
business, visit
existing contact center infrastructure and mobile or Web session and contact center will receive a call directly on their Chromebook 
Juan Pablo Gomez, Consulting Systems processes.
using a WebRTC-enabled browser. his solution 
Engineer at Avaya for the Caribbean and Latin America region. Juan Pablo has over To further enhance the engagement, the Avaya Context Store Snap-in–an in-memory Last but not least, the latest version of the Avaya Session Border Controller includes the enables contact center operations to easily respond to unexpected traic, seasonality, or 
10 years of experience in design and contact database–serves as a real-time repository for STUN/TURN protocols that enable the new home agents.
center implementation. He has a Master’s customer Web or mobile sessions and their NAT transversal techniques needed to support WebRTC is evolving quickly, which will 
Degree in Electronic Engineering and successive interactions with customer service secure WebRTC communication.
enable innovative use cases to surface.
Telecommunications from the Los Andes representatives. Avaya Context Store includes a WebRTC adoption is changing not only At the same time, it is quite important to 
University. ■
secure REST API that allows other applications
the customer experience but also the agent
integrate WebRTC technologies with existing

What Does BYOD Mean for the Future of the Workplace?

hile reading an email from the CTO get ready for the emergence of the corporate the foundation for a real revolution in corporate C
regarding our BYOD program, I hot spot. It makes perfect sense. You and culture.
found myself contemplating the future your device are already being authenticated Of course, there will always be those that
of the workplace. If you work at HQ or a major and selectively connected to your slice of the resist change, and the irst objection you’ll likely By Randy Cross
Senior Director of Product 
campus, the future probably looks a lot like the corporate Intranet via BYOD policy, all of the hear will be around security. How will we keep Management at Avaya
present. However, the majority of the workforce apps are abandoning ship for the cloud and our sensitive information away from would
is dispersed among branches and small oices. the only wires let in the oice are the power be hackers? How will we keep out all those 
What will that look like in the coming years?
Today, many work from home full or part shedding the cost of devices by enabling BYOD. So, where will cost cutting, simpliication and cords on the cofee maker and toaster oven you’re hiding under your desk. Add to these viruses and bots? Can you imagine our workers connecting directly to the Internet?
time, oices have touch down spaces for mobile the mobile revolution lead us next?
corporate trends the ever increasing speed and 
workers and (increasingly) IT departments are
If the consumer world is our guide, then
quality of public Internet access, and you have
CROSS continues on page 15 ››

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