Page 14 - Avaya Extra Q2 2015
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14 Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya
2nd Quarter 2015
Clarity, Comprehension, Intelligibility
What You Need in an IP Paging System
ou just don’t install a paging/intercom/ instructions to a person or group of people, or For public address, the emerging standard is
announcement/alerting/notiication even providing music. You may need to comply STI-PA or Speech Transmission Index for Public
system anymore. You need an intelligent with OSHA and ADA requirements. K-12 school Address. he STI index quantiies intelligibility AUDIN
set of products that will work under a wide range systems are a ine example. You want a smart not and is a reasonable measure of whether a voice
of conditions, work very reliably with virtually no passive paging system
page or announcement is understandable.
by Gary Audan
attention to its operation required.
Deining Clarity, Producing Comprehension
Most IP telephones today support G722
Why is a Paging System so Important?
trigger a paging event. Safety alerts, emergencies, If the listeners cannot hear or understand the paging speakers, then why have them. Superb wideband for better intelligibility so why doesn’t your voice paging?
he use of paging speakers is for delivering and scheduled announcements are the three audio quality is the key to success. his can be Remember, voice paging accessed though an
sound (speech, music, alarms...) to the right most important uses. However, in most cases, achieved if the IP paging system supports the ATA or analog trunk is limited to traditional
individuals clearly even when background noise the paging system will be used for regular G.722 wideband voice codec. Traditional paging telephone bandwidths. IP speakers connected
is occurring. Any number of situations can
announcements, paging individuals, providing
speakers are transformer coupled and designed as SIP endpoints can support the higher voice
for 300 to 3.4 KHz, about the quality of a phone bandwidth for better STI scores and audio
call. he best IP speakers are wideband G.722 quality.
capable and double the sound range to 7 KHz.
he increased frequency range produces higher The SIP Licenses
idelity, better clarity, and improved listener he initial coniguration, ongoing changes, and
setting up group endpoints are other factors
A second consideration is the sound clarity when comparing speakers. Some products
when there is background noise. he background require a SIP license per endpoint. Look for a
noise can be generated by machinery or by multicast capability which allows one speaker
people talking and possibly screaming when an with a one SIP license to broadcast the sound to
emergency occurs. A well designed speaker can multiple other speakers that are not SIP licensed.
capture the background noise level and thereby his can signiicantly reduce the SIP license fees.
increase the speaker volume to compensate for he criteria discussed above are satisied by
the noise. his increases the success that the the SIP speakers from Algo Communication
paging+ speaker will be heard and understood. his is called adaptive noise response.
Products Ltd.. he Algo 8180 SIP Audio Alerter and 8188 SIP Ceiling Speaker are frequently
used for IP voice paging and support G.722
Measuring Sound Quality
Wideband (HD Voice) page audio for improved
here are many methods for measuring sound intelligibility and. have been successfully tested
quality. Traditionally, sound quality was deined for compatibility with Avaya IP Oice and other
using terms such as total harmonic distortion, VoIP platforms. ■
frequency response, and signal to noise ratio
among others. hese are still important factors but For more information, visit www.
a new measure is being adopted for public address.
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