Page 12 - Avaya Extra Q2 2015
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12 Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya
2nd Quarter 2015

Avaya SDN Fx Brings Businesses the universal efort to save energy and improve along with recently announced components of while providing cost savings from more eicient 
Closer to Enabling Uniied eiciency across facilities is boosted by new the architecture, including the Open Network utilization of energy and new security capabilities 
Access and the Internet of Things opportunities enabled by SDN architectures and Adapter (ONA), Fabric Extend and Fabric to help ward of emerging threats to network 
Attach, Uniied Access and Wireless as well as the operations.” - David Raferty, vice president, IPC
continued from page 11....
For example, Avaya is collaborating with other Avaya Collaboration Pod.
companies on an intelligent lighting solution “SDN can ofer a tremendous boon to 
that eliminates the need for businesses to run Quotes
businesses and an exciting growth opportunity 
by further extending Avaya Fabric Connect expensive, separate high-voltage wiring and “he clock is ticking for businesses that want a for those channel partners who are ready with 
capabilities to the network edge. he ERS 5900 conduit for lighting.
competitive edge through greater network agility. the skills and vendor support needed to deliver 
series enables enterprises to smoothly migrate Instead, leveraging Ethernet cabling, Power By some estimates, it’s expected that nearly 25 a complete solution to their customers. We
to next generation architectures that unify the over Ethernet and LED, lighting becomes one
billion devices will be connected to the network see the Avaya SDN Fx architecture as an ideal 
wired and wireless network while preparing of the many ‘things’ on the network. Sensors in in just four short years.
solution for our healthcare and transportation 
organizations to adopt new Internet of hings this solution will detect occupancy/vacancy and hat could mean massive complexity unless
customers – especially with the ERS 5900 
strategies. Key features of the ERS 5900 series include:
areas that need more or less lighting for a good user experience. Beneits include lower costs and a company or organization has implemented a powerful, simpliied SDN foundation such as the switches to manage the potential complexity
of their networks and connect the hundreds
Supports MACsec for enhanced security energy utilization, much easier installation – Avaya’s SDN Fx architecture. he ERS 5900 takes or even thousands of devices at the edge that 
l Supports Power over Ethernet Plus (POE+)
simply plug and play with Avaya Fabric Connect a major step towards delivering the simplicity are a growing part of their requirements.” - Val 
l for 802.11 ac deployments
– and greater visibility and control through and transitional ability needed as Uniied Access Robison, vice president, Sunturn
l Extensible to support 60W of Power over
detailed analytics capabilities.
for the Internet of hings moves into full force.”
Ethernet (uPOE) for emerging IoT deployments Alan Hase, vice president, Uniied Access, “Some of the most compelling use cases for 
such as smart lighting, medical systems and high- Avaya at Interop
Avaya Networking
SDN will likely be at the edge of the network. 
end video surveillance
he Avaya SDN Fx architecture and Fabric With Avaya’s introduction of the ERS 5900, they 
l Extensible to support the emerging
Connect technologies, including the new ERS “We are working with a number of customers continue their momentum started with SDN
2.5GE and 5GE standard for 802.11ac Wave 2 5900 series will be on display in Booth 2033 who either have or are in the process of Fx of driving practical use cases where the user 
deployments, as is the Avaya WLAN 9100 series
at Interop 2015, being held April 27-30 at the implementing Avaya Fabric Connect as the lives.” - Zeus Kerravala, principal, ZK Research
l Intelligent Lighting Use Case
Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, NV. At the booth, logical path to an end-to-end SDN network.
[1] SDN Expectations, Dynamic Markets 
As part of the drive to implement sustainable, attendees can see the intelligent lighting demo he ERS 5900 will help them easily bridge their commissioned by Avaya, February 2015. n
environmentally-conscious business practices,
enabled by the Avaya SDN Fx architecture,
existing operations into their plans for the future,

Carousel Industries is Awarded Avaya Mid-market Partner of the Year

Carousel Industries, a leader in uniied communications, managed services, data event designed to drive partner engagement and focus on growth priorities for the year.
its commitment to excellence in each phase of the sales cycle: pre-sales, sales, implementation, cycle.
hese things play an important role in helping
solutions and visual communications, Carousel Industries won the award following maintenance, support and managed services.
to grow our mutual businesses, while making 
announced that it has been named ‘Avaya a year of stellar Avaya sales during 2014, and as “We are proud to be recognized by Avaya for Carousel an excellent partner for Avaya.”
Midmarket Partner of the Year’ by Avaya, a a result of its successful team-driven strategy our success in the mid-market,” commented Jim “In the mid-market, the sales cycle and 
global provider of business communications focused on capturing new opportunities in the Marsh, SVP Sales of Carousel. “his is one of the customer conversations are much diferent,” 
and collaboration sotware and services. Avaya midmarket.
most important business segments in the U.S. DiPaolo continued. “For example, for an 
presented the award to Carousel during its Carousel attributes its ongoing success with economy, with an estimated value between $30 enterprise opportunity, a sales cycle might be 
Americas Executive Partner Forum, an annual
Avaya to its long-term, strategic partnership and
and $40 billion.
anywhere between three and nine months. A 
Each day, our midmarket team is completely midmarket sales cycle, meanwhile, is oten much 
focused on helping our customers operating in more concentrated and might last anywhere 
this segment become more successful. Avaya between 40 and 60 days. Channel Partners who NEMER Endpoint Manager in Action:
technology — particularly the Avaya IP OiceM have adopted to this cycle, and who are having continued from page 8
A Case Study
platform — provides the infrastructure and focused conversations on strategic outcomes One of the world’s largest inancial services 
building blocks our team needs to help our have been the most successful, and this is clearly companies is using iNEMSOFT Endpoint 
customers be more competitive.”
where Carousel has excelled.”
DevConnect 2014 Technology Partner of the Manager to support more than 60,000 users 
Over the course of 2014, Carousel tripled
he Avaya IP Oice platform remains a best Year.
at its global contact centers – simplifying 
its sales in the midmarket and developed a of breed solution in the midmarket with its
It also has been selected as a member management of Avaya IP phones and 
dedicated, hosted appliance based on the Avaya ease of use, ability to support voice, video and of the Avaya DevConnect Select Product promoting uninterrupted service delivery to 
IP Oice platform.
“We congratulate Carousel on achieving mobile, and its capability of handling 2,500 customer end points with virtualized sotware. Program, with its solutions now sold through Avaya and its extensive channel customers.
A phone outage from a station reset, 
Avaya Midmarket Partner of the Year,” Currently, the platform is in use by more than 15 partner network.
network issue, system failure or even routine 
commented Anthony R. DiPaolo, Avaya million users and on more than 350,000 systems maintenance could seriously impact both 
National Channel Manager. “It is clear that deployed worldwide
Simplifying Endpoint Management service delivery and regulatory compliance.
Carousel recognizes the opportunity in the To learn more about Carousel’s Avaya for Avaya Aura® Users
he company’s contact centers are 
mid-market: the company aligned with us on midmarket solutions, please visit http://www. his year iNEMSOFT is using IAUG equipped with various versions of Avaya 
our growth strategies, and had a focused team CONVERGE2015 to feature its ClassOne Aura Communication Manager and with 
dedicated to supporting each area of the sales
market-solutions n
Endpoint Manager – a solution that makes various models of Avaya h.323 IP telephones. 
it easy to administer IP and SIP phones, To support high-availability, always-
sot phones and gateways across multiple on performance, the organization uses Integration Partners Named Avaya 
instances of Avaya Aura® Communication iNEMSOFT Endpoint Manager to administer 
endpoints centrally across multiple serving 
he sotware puts network administrators sites.
Networking Partner of the Year
in the driver’s seat and simpliies even the Endpoint Manager has improved business 
most complex tasks. hey can work from continuity and operational performance, 
anywhere using simple, powerful, web-based while automating previously time-consuming 
management tools.
manual tasks.
Integration Partners, a national Platinum value for our customers and to increase their 
Administrators can design and apply hrough an easy-to-use interface, Avaya partner was named the 2014 Avaya competitiveness in the market.” -David Ratery, 
precise rules for operation, management, discovery, validation and remediation, administrators can now:
Centrally track and apply coniguration Networking Partner of the Year at Avaya’s Vice President, Central Region, Integration Partners
proile deinitions, irmware and settings
annual Americas Executive Partner Forum in Cancun, Mexico. he annual event drives 
Seamless failover and remediation policies Design failover policies by line of business, partner engagement and a focus on growth “Integration Partners has been pivotal in the 
that keep phones “always on” during outages individual telephone or groups of telephones
priorities for the year.
success of our ongoing deployment of Avaya’s 
and maintenance windows.
Tailor irmware upgrades by line of Integration Partners’ recognition was due to fabric networking technology.
Automatic irmware upgrades that sync business or user proile and synchronize with the demonstration of year over year networking he new healthcare business paradigm 
with the sotware versions used by both serving-site irmware
growth, in addition to overall revenue growth in required us to reduce cost, and complexity, 
primary and backup servers.
Load-balance endpoints on demand across the entire Avaya portfolio. Integration Partners from our operation while staying innovative. 
Load-balancing phones on demand across available serving sites so that customers are has also proven their commitment to the Avaya Integration Partners expertise on the Avaya 
multiple sites to increase call-handling served more promptly
full stack growth initiatives.
platforms, along with their execution capability, 
“We are focused on the transformation and insights on best of breed technologies,
iNEMSOFT Endpoint Manager has been To Learn More
occurring in the industry with the growing has helped us accelerate our plans.” -Benjamin 
compliance-tested for interoperability with For more information on iNEMSOFT market demand for Engagement Solutions in B. Vickers, M.S.Manager of IT, Network and 
Avaya Aura Communication Manager and Endpoint Manager or the company’s Avaya- the midmarket and enterprise with lexible, Telecommunications Information Technology 
is available through the Avaya DevConnect compatible solutions for radio-telephony cloud-based services.
Services, ProMedica n
Select Product Program.
interoperability, visit n
“Partnering with Avaya to deliver fabric 
networking enables us to provide real business
More at

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