Page 14 - Telecom Reseller April-May 2016
P. 14

14 Telecom Reseller April/May 2016

continued from page 13

Meanwhile, the Computer Telephony set of resources at their disposal. Not from a and Alex Francois (who met the  rst time at 
Integration (CTI) technology of the late 1990’s lab or research center, from their a the event), came up with an application that 
was  lling a gap, allowing developers (including Starbucks.
would help busy people keep track of the notes 
myself) to create some pretty innovative Unleashing creativity? Yes, it’s really from conference calls, using IBM’s Watson to 
applications. But to do so, you needed to know happening and here a few examples that really do keyword spotting, and sending a summary 
how to program in C or C++, understand device struck me during this last weekend’s TADHack of the call to your SMS number. By merging 
drivers, Unix, TDM, PBXs and a host of other TELECOM in London:
the resources of telephony with the speech 
technologies that o en took up a whole server .COM
Sabastian Schumann single-handedly recognition and keyword spotting of Watson, 
room. It created a whole wave of PC-PBXs, RESELLER reinvented the call screening application by they created something that (to my knowledge) 
contact centers, fax servers, uni ed messaging combining the screening process with your never existed before.
and more that we make business more productive contact database look-up (a whitelist), a crowd- I could go on and on, but take a few
today. But the skill set and investment needed to The Newsource on UC; sourced database of telemarketers (blacklist) and minutes and watch the pitches from the event, 
create applications was still beyond what many UCaaS; Collaboration; Slack to eliminate those pesky telemarketing remembering that these people started working 
individual developers could tackle.
calls.  e integration of a crowd-sourced on these projects at 10 AM the day before.
Today, thanks to the broad selection of Mobility
blacklist was the real innovation – why hasn’t No business reviews, plan or record reviews, 
Communications APIs and cloud-based anyone thought of that before?
no product gate reviews or approvals by the 
services, developers have an almost limitless
Another two gentlemen Roderick Hodgson
politburo. Pure innovation unleashed. n

Jerry Gallegos Joins Sprint as President, West Area

Jerry Gallegos joins Sprint (NYSE: S) as Gallegos’ leadership, the area, which includes  e West geographic area covers Alaska, than 25 years of sales and wireless industry 
president of the West Area. Based in Phoenix, Denver, Los Angeles, Seattle and San Francisco, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, experience. Most recently, Gallegos was vice 
he will be responsible for sales strategy, will develop market-speci c o erings that Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, president of  eld sales for the West at Cox 
network oversight, customer service, marketing serve the needs of consumer and business Washington, western Texas and Wyoming. It Communications.
communications and general operations customers in the West.
encompasses nearly 1,170 Sprint-branded retail Before that, he served as vice president of 
supporting the full portfolio of Sprint products “Jerry brings a wealth of wireless industry stores.
residential sales for the Southwest region and 
and services from enterprise to consumer and sales experience to Sprint, as well as a “Sprint’s regional structure is about listening as vice president of residential sales in Arizona. 
across 14 western states, including western deep understanding of consumer trends and to consumers and delivering a best-in-class Before Cox Communications, Gallegos held
Texas. Gallegos will report to Sprint CEO preferences in the West geographic area.
wireless experience.
a variety of leadership roles in sales and 
Marcelo Claure.
“We’re pleased with the results of our “We have an incredible opportunity to marketing at Alltel Wireless, Western Wireless, 
Gallegos will lead one of the four geographic localization e orts so far, and I’m con dent expand the company’s footprint in the West AT&T Broadband/Comcast, Verizon Wireless 
areas – West, Central, Northeast and South – that Jerry has what it takes to build on our area, and I’m excited to lead these e orts.” - and General Mills Inc. n
Sprint created when it reorganized to devote momentum in the West.” - Marcelo Claure, Jerry Gallegos, President, West Area
targeted resources to 18 top regions. Under
Sprint CEO
Gallegos comes to Sprint with more
More at

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