Page 16 - Telecom Reseller April-May 2016
P. 16
Telecom Reseller
Telecom Reseller
April/May 2016
Higher Education + Technology = ACUTA
continued from page 13
marketing dollars, solely using a CRM platform is its numbers. A CRM system cannot show
to determine the best suited marketing audience you exact sales numbers broken down by each u
As a CIO, it is important for
• Professional networking at its best happens at the face-to-face is not the best direction. But, with predictive individual customer over time with any ease. A
oyee me to be a part of a group of events and via the listserv/community. We provide opportunities to connect analytics, you can maximize your return on signi cant amount of training is usually involved
and people who strive to con nually evolve as knowledgeable with people who can help you succeed.
investment no matter the budget. For example, in trying to properly access and formulate these
t the technology professionals.
• High-quality education features presenters at seminars and if you seek to spend $10,000 on a campaign
tasks. is o en requires a lot of time, which
I know of no be er organiza on conferences who are experts in the eld.
for delivery to 10,000 customers or prospects, means less time spent making actual sales.
to be a part of than ACUTA.
• Valuable publications bring critical information to you in a timely, predictive analytics will curate that audience
Fortunately, good predictive analytics so ware
yees Keith Fowlkes Director of Informaon Technology pro-active way.
to deliver your message to 10,000 consumers will allow you to speci cally identify where all o
y to Services and CIO • Online resources give you access to solutions that will help you meet that speci cally want what you’re o ering at the your money is being made and where the areas of r
Centre College
the needs of your campus faculty, staff, and students.
time. Conversely, CRM solutions alone have your business are lacking. It should also be able t
• Professional development opportunities abound at ACUTA, very limited lters that prevent a business owner to provide you with a speci c customer spending
pri- giving you experiences that will help you grow professionally and advance your career.
from drill-down targeting the correct audience list based on what you’re asking for. Adept f
and, as a result, are undermining their ROI with systems can actually categorize all your customer e
pany opportunity loss.
spending and break it down for you in an easy
yee? Questions: Call Amy at (859) 278-3338.
to read format that allows you to properly make o
ticle Join Today!
2. Allowing Data-Driven Decisions
future predictions.
Connecting Campus IT Professionals with Ideas and Solutions
e core success benchmark of any company
3. Formulating Ofer Intelligence
Unlike a predictive analytics platform, CRM
systems cannot recommend speci c o ers that
are unique to customer spending habits. is is a VoIP Security
huge downside in my opinion. It is very di cult
to maintain and engage repeat customers without Inc.
knowing what they want. CRM solutions are Connect and Communicate
mainly a lead management system but, let’s be
honest, who wants leads when you can have
Predictive analytics not only analyze customer ONICS DOES IT ALL!
actions and habits but also “learns” as it goes.
For instance, when an online o er is sent out
to customers, or even di erent o ers sent to
varying customer segments, a predictive analytics
platform can tell you who opened a particular
o er, who clicked through on that o er, who
redeemed that o er and, when they did, how
much that customer spent—including any
upsells. e data can also be nely ltered down
further to key metrics like which date and day of
the week a customer redeemed a particular o er. WE BUY G
With the rich data predictive analytics provides,
customers can be sent highly meaningful o ers YOUR EXCE S
tailored speci cally to their needs and, as a result,
companies can more readily build stronger
customer relationships that bolster the bottom
Lack of quality data is usually the greatest
barrier a sales-driven organization can face when
deciding to implement predictive analytics.
Getting the most out of a predictive analytics
platform requires there is actually available data Advanced VoIP Security Technology
on customer spending habits, the attributes of
Powered by Bicom Systems
the products or services they’re buying (other
than the “people who buy this also but this”
type of model), date ranges of their spending,
and how much they spend on an average. Some
demographic information wouldn’t hurt, either. If
it’s really good, the predictive analytics platform
will automatically track all your customer
actions from start to nish. And, although it
TRAINING Advanced SIP Safety
can be very di cult to nd in current predictive
analytics so ware, a really good system will
also automatically capture this data for you to
automatically create unique pro les of your
individual customers. With this weapon in your
proverbial sales arsenal, prepare to grow your
sales revenue and overall company pro tability
in kind. ■
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is not affiliated with the manufacturers of the products it sells except as expressly noted otherwise.
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