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Seattle Gay News 

Issue 25, Volume 44, June 24, 2016 


This is an especially heartbreaking day for all our friends
This is an especially heartbreaking day for all our friends

–President Barak Obama


President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Orlando, Fla., June 16 to meet 
with survivors and families of victims of the horri c attack and to thank the law enforcement of -
cials who bravely responded.
“As a nation, we’ve also been inspired by the courage of those who risked their lives and cared
for others. Partners whose last moments were spent shielding each other. The mother who gave her 
life to save her son. The former Marine whose quick thinking saved dozens of lives,” Obama said. 
The President and Vice President told the victims’ families – on behalf of the American people
– that “our hearts are broken, too, but we stand with you and that we are here for you, and that we 

are remembering those who you loved so deeply.”
They then paid their respects by laying  owers at a memorial for victims of the attack. – Shaun 

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