Page 20 - Telecom Reseller AugSep 2014
P. 20
Using analytics to detect application
performance anomalies
20 Telecom Reseller
By Charley Rich, VP Product Management, Nastel
problems arise, especially in today’s com-
August/September 2014
plex topologies the failure of a single appli-
IT organizations are under more pressure to
Did California
cation is rarely the culprit. Performance
media by 2020 it will be 85%.”
deliver exceptional business performance
Via @NPR radio “AC Nielsen reports that 87%
threats usually are the result of multiple
In addition to BYOD, BYOT (Bring Your than ever. Further complicating the chal-
be compensated. The ruling cited California
of Twitter users surveyed make #buying decisions Own Technology) is a popular trend that entices lenge is the evolving nature of Information
Labor Code section 2802(a), which states, “An
Kill BYOD?
issues—and many of these, if caught early
based on #Twitter posts and followers.
employers and employees with personal choice, in the process using real-time analytics,
Technology (IT). The rise of Big Data,
employer shall indemnify his or her employee for
could prevent much larger failures from
Several surveys have found that websites
productivity and financial options. The BYOT mobile, cloud, and BYOD have added com-
all necessary expenditures or losses incurred by the
occurring. Evading cascading failures is
in general are perceived as passive customer trend is not likely to be stalled by the California plexity, making it ever more challenging
employee in direct consequence of the discharge of
essential. Ideally, IT Specialists should
communication tools with Twitter being a far appeals court ruling, but BYOT practices will
for IT to acquire the visibility they need to
Chis or her duties, or of his or her obedience to the
avoid being in the position of putting out
more proactive customer-engaging tool. These be affected. The ruling illustrates that financial OLWELL
detect anomalies.
directions of the employer, even though unlawful,
fires—they should be able to make sure the
surveys have also found an increasing number of fairness for the employee should be considered Today, an organization’s application infrastructure typicallyincludesWebcom- unless the employee, at the time of obeying the
fire never starts. But, without the necessary
customers go to your Twitter account before they when policy addressing personal technology use byTimothyC. Colwell,Seniorponents, messagingmiddlewareandmain- directions, believed them to be unlawful.”
visibility this is no simple task.
go to your website. They’re doing “due diligence” for business is defined and this principle is likely VicePresentof Global Businessframes. ApplicatAinoanlytpicesr, fwowrwm.aaontmcpe.ciosmimpact-
Some view this ruling as the first stage to the
To properly manage today’s application
on you; looking for call-to-actions, thought to carry more weight as strategy is developed.
deencvliinreoannmdeonbts,oolersgceanciezaotfiBoYnOsDm.uThstebreaalibtyleisto d by many factors coming from multiple
leadership and content useful in their purchasing California is not the executioner of BYOD,
tahnatatlhyizserutlhineg bernotaidrenas panpdliclatriofiens tchheasicnopferom endtoend,understandingthedpenden- sources—application servers, messaging
as well as customer complaints regarding your solution. Your client may not have a Twitter but business may be if they are unprepared to evolve with legislation and legal rulings affecting
protocols, virtualized systems, capacity
ofconsiderations businessesmust incluewhendceifiensinbgetawndeenvotlhviengliBnYkOs Dinptohliecycahnadinth. eIt must
n August 2014, an appeals court in
California ruled that employees required
business account but they may have a personal issues and many more. Inevitably, failures
also be able to focus on early detection
personal technology use for business.
to use a personal cell phone for work must
overarching personal technology use strategy.
account and their advisors may as well.
in one or more of these systems occur—and
of abnormalities, differentiating symptom
A new tool to measure your success: Tech IT is left to deal with the result.
from cause rather than simply reacting to
Twitter Scorecard.
TSECH Twitter
Performance Management (APM) solu- sit
re w
tion an outage. The combination of these two
The Tech Scoreboard is designed to give you a tions exist. To be effective, APM must
factors provides the level of assurance IT
including human resources.
benchmark of your Twitter performance. Since deli
If you are still not convinced of the importance
e maj
or b
needs in its key mission: to reduce the fre-
you can’t force people to follow you, gaining EOsListeof Twitter for your business go to quency and duration of outages.
Companies & C
enough visibility to see an entire system; End-to-end performance monitoring and
“meaningful followers” is voluntary and is a track activities through the infrastructure analysis must embrace the entire IT envi-
q5ck8jg for an article on Top-10 reasons for using
good measure of the “good will” you have in the ronm
Twitter for your business.
chain as they occur; and correlate events—
t, fro
m .N
es. It must
marketplace you serve.
cover a wide range of components from
Still doubt the power of Twitter? Here are some many of which might seem unrelated—in
TECH Twitter Scoreboard - Categories for recent headlines regarding Twitter and social order to spot developing trends before
By Thomas B. Cross follow on Twitter @
world keeping on the top of mind is measured
J2EE application servers, Web Services to
Companies & CEOs Listed
users are impacted. Surprisingly, a number techtionary
by many factors including the number of
of APM platforms miss on one or more of middleware messaging, brokers and even
Master Agencies/VARs | Distributors | Dealers
An IBM sales study indicates that 75% of B2B Ithese key functions.
Twitter followers you have. With ~135,000+
legacy applications. It must also be elastic,
| Professional & Managed Services | Outsourcing | buyers are likely to use social media as part of like to think that sales is a complex process
new users a day signing up for Twitter and
To be sure, most APM solutions do a
having the ability to transparently scale to
Telephone Companies | Internet Service Providers
their purchasing decision.
and “top of mind keeps you first in line” for
2m71eemt iullnioenxpmeocntethdlysuacrtgivees uinserdse-m5a0n0dm. illion
good job of monitoring individual applica-
Via Linkedin - “By 2015 50% of buyer-seller- Twitter posts are sent per day. Twitter is “the”
customer engagement when they are ready
tions. But, monitoring is not enough. When
See RICH, page 21
support interaction will happen through social
to consider your solutions. In today’s business
means for nearly all aspects of your business
continues on page 27 ››
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