Page 15 - EDOS Dinner Journal 2019_website
P. 15
Dear Honored Rabbis and Guests,
It is a pleasure to welcome you all to this joyous occasion, the 56th-anniversary din-
ner for EDOS, honoring our esteemed rabbi, Rabbi Daniel Rapp, for his decade of
service to EDOS and the Denver Jewish community.
Dear Rabbi Rapp, How blessed are we at EDOS, and
throughout Denver, that the person we
It has been an honor and pleasure to have made for ourselves as a teacher is
compile this Festschrift for this special not only also a friend, but provides for us
an exceptional example of judging every
From your colleagues who composed person favorably.
scholarly pieces in your honor, to your We appreciate that you are not a person
friends who used to Torah to reflect on who seeks kavod, and therefore we want
your character, to the memories shared to thank you for allowing us to honor you
by family and friends — we were over- in this way.
whelmed by the response.
Thank you to all the individuals who
What struck us most was how the same helped make this Festschrift a reality. We
middot thread their way through the vari- are grateful for your support and your
ous submissions: Kindness, commitment thoughtful contributions.
to Torah, learning, love of family, all with a
healthy dose of good fun — the same quali- We are truly blessed to be able to be
ties we at EDOS witness, and that inspire us. amongst friends and family and be part of
an institution that has impacted so many
ַע ֻשׁוֹהְי .ם ֶה ֵמ וּל ְבּ ִק יִלֵבּ ְר ַא ָה יא ַתִּנְו הָי ְח ַר ְפּ ןֶבּ ַע ֻשׁוֹהְי individuals in so many positive ways.
ן ָד יֵוֱהֶו ,רֵב ָח ךְָל הֵנ ְקוּ ,ב ַר ךְָל ה ֵשֲׂע ,ר ֵמוֹא הָי ְח ַר ְפּ ןֶבּ
תוּכְז ףַכְל ם ָד ָא ָה לָכּ ת ֶא Shlomo Fried
Shana Goldberg (ed.)
Daniel Kassai
Yehoshua ben Perachiah and Nitai HaArbeli Dr. Yitzchak Teitelbaum
received (Torah) from them. Yehoshua ben Pera-
chiah said: “Make yourself a teacher; acquire a Festschrift Committee
friend; and judge every person favorably.”
Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers 1:6