Page 97 - EDOS Dinner Journal 2019_website
P. 97
Not so on either Yom Kippur or Shabbos.
In emphasis of this point, the Havdalah candle used after Yom Kippur must be lit from
a preexistent fire (lit before Yom Kippur). This practice says: One may use fire before
Yom Kippur and after it, but not on it.
Well, then, should one not insist that the Havdalah candle on Saturday night also be
lit from a preexistent fire (lit before Shabbos)? Actually, not, since the main reason for
Havdalah after Shabbos is to mark the creation of fire; and for that, one must create a
new fire on Saturday night itself. The first reason (commemoration) trumps the sec-
ond (prohibition).
One last wrinkle: What happens when Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos? Must the
Havdalah candle be lit from a preexistent fire? Actually, not, since, again, Havdalah
on Saturday night commemorates the creation of fire, and for that, a new fire must be
created on Saturday night.
Rabbi Rapp said all this in about five minutes after the morning prayers.
Thank you Rabbi Rapp, for your many illuminating lectures, short and long, in Torah.
And thank you to Dr. Rapp, to their five daughters, to the Federgruns and to the orga-
nizers: An additional daily dose of Torah opens the mind and deepens the soul.
Copyright © 2013 by Intermountain Jewish News, reprinted with permission.