Page 92 - EDOS Dinner Journal 2019_website
P. 92


            As we matriculated (and graduated), we were for the first time in years no longer
            within the same 4 amos, as Rabbi Rapp returned to KBY during the Gulf War and the
            onslaught of Scud missiles which I was told by Rabbi Rapp could be seen from the
            ramparts (a/k/a rooftops) of the yeshiva, together with the batteries of Patriot missiles. 
            But through it all, Rabbi Rapp’s devotion to limud haTorah flourished, which contin-
            ued to lay the foundation for his future accomplishments.  As Rabbi Rapp returned to
            the States, we once again found ourselves together (sometimes) at Columbia Univer-

            sity School of Law, while pursuing smicha and were chavrusas at RIETS.

            We danced at each other’s weddings and although we had new roommates, I have
            watched Rabbi Rapp soar as a leader in education, the Beis Din, a scholar – he was a

            scholar in residence in our shul on multiples occasions (and we hosted him and his
            family) – and now for the last decade, as the Rabbi of East Denver Orthodox Syna-
            gogue.  His accomplishments are many, but utilizing his many talents, worked might-
            ily and tirelessly to address the issue of post-9/11 agunos, a crowning achievement.

            How I kvell when I watch Rabbi Rapp speak and even preside over a wedding. While I
            wish I could take some credit, Rabbi Rapp’s accomplishments are a tribute to his hard
            work, determination, a concern for others, sense of humor and purpose as well as his
            Rebbetzin and family, with Hashem’s constant guidance and protection.

            Our relationship has now come full circle and is manifested in the next generation. 
            Our daughters are classmates and this past semester, Rabbi Rapp was our son’s “Reb-
            be” for a course that is near and dear to Rabbi Rapp’s heart, Jewish Business Law.

            I hope that this portion of the Festschrift provides a glimpse of, if not a tribute to, a
            truly exceptional individual you have been blessed to call your “Rav.”

            My wife, family and I wish Rabbi & Rebbetzin Rapp and family much bracha, hatzla-
            cha and simcha.  May they continue to inspire and touch congregants and the broader
            klal in their inimitable way for many years to come.

            Alan E. Rothman
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