Page 87 - EDOS Dinner Journal 2019_website
P. 87
וינפב אלש ולוכו וינפב םירמוא םדא לש וחבש תצקמ :רזעלא ןב הימרי יבר רמאו
And R’ Yirmiyah ben Elazar said: Part of a person’s praise one may mention in his pres-
ence, but all of it only in his absence.
Talmud Bavli, Masechet Eiruvin 18b
I am incredibly proud of the man my friend has become, and admittedly, never miss
an opportunity to remind someone raving about Dani of the history I share with him.
I could fill volumes with words reminiscing about mine and Dani’s early years to-
gether, and many more filled with praise and admiration for him. Assuming, however,
that Dani will read this, I will abide by the wisdom of the Talmud, and limit myself to
the content I have already shared.
קבאתמ יוהו ורמאו םימכח ווצ ןכו ... םהישעממ דומלל ידכ םהידימלתו םימכחב קבדהל השע תוצמ
םהירבד תא אמצב התושו םהילגר רפעב
It is a positive commandment to cleave unto the wise and their disciples in order to
learn from their deeds … Similarly, our Sages have directed us, saying: “Sit in the
dust of their feet and drink in their words thirstily.”
Rambam, Mishne Torah, Hilchot Deiot, Chapter 6, Halacha 2
EDOS is blessed to have my friend Yitzchok Tzvi Hirsch as their rav, and through
him, the opportunity to fulfill the mitzvah of cleaving to a Talmid Chacham. My wife,
Dvora, and I send our most heartfelt Mazal Tov wishes to Rabbi Dani, and Rebbetzin
Dr. Chaya, on reaching ten years leading your kehilla.
May the entire EDOS congregation be blessed to “drink thirstily” from Rabbi Rapp’s
words for many years to come, and may Rabbi Rapp continue to shepherd EDOS
me’chayil el chayil.
בל ברקמ בוט לזמ תכרבב
Kenneth Polinsky
Maale Adumim, Israel