Page 2 - The German Barista Champions' Guide to Berlin
P. 2

         Welcome to Berlin!
         The host city of this year’s World of Coffee is one of the most cultural and
         creative in Europe. Germany’s reunited capital is full of 20th century history,                   WOJTEK BIALCZAK               WB
         displayed by its historic landmarks and world-class museums, as well as                           Wojtek is fresh off his appearance in the Finals
         modern tech and a booming start-up scene. Berlin is a youthful, vibrant and                       of the 2019  World Barista Championship,
         affordable place for artists, musicians and filmmakers to work and live. And                      where  he placed  5th  overall.  Wojtek  is  the
         Berlin is a city with top-notch cuisine, legendary nightlife, and of course, a                    Head Roaster and Roastery Manager at the
         dynamic specialty coffee scene.                                                                   renowned Five Elephant Coffee Roastery.
                                                                                                           Originally from Poland, he has made Berlin
         To help you explore the best coffee, food and drink Berlin has to offer, we’ve                    home  for the past  five years.  When he’s  not
         enlisted the help of Wojtek Bialczak and Nicole Battefeld, both of whom are                       roasting or preparing for competition, Wojtek
         Berlin-based coffee professionals, Barista Champions of Germany, and Urnex                        is most likely spending time with his wife and
         Ambassadors. Each of the coffee shops, restaurants and bars have been                             his two-year-old son, Stas.
         personally recommended by Wojtek and Nicole.
         With recommendations from the German Barista Champions, there’s no
         excuse to not eat and drink like a real Berliner this week.
         We hope you find this guide useful as you explore this fantastic city. Enjoy the                  NICOLE BATTEFELD              NB
         World of Coffee, the 2019 World Coffee Championships, and the city of Berlin!                     A multi-talented coffee professional, Nicole is
                                                                                                           the 2018 Barista Champion of Germany, and
                                                                                                           will represent Germany as the country’s 2019
                                                                                                           Coffee in Good Spirits Champion. She works at
                                                                                                           local shop Röststätte Berlin, where her many
                                                                                                           roles include head barista, roaster and trainer.
                                                                                                           Nicole is also the founder of the Female Barista
                                                                                                           Society, which aims to support and empower
                                                                                                           female-identified coffee professionals by
                                                                                                           providing free education and trainings.
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