Page 7 - The German Barista Champions' Guide to Berlin
P. 7

Röststätte Berlin   NB
 Ackerstraße 173, 10115 Berlin  |
 I work here at Röststätte! Besides the great coffee and service, you´ll also find lots
 of equipment and the Victoria Arduino Germany showroom. I love working here, and
 you should definitely come and visit us!

 Annelies  WB
 Görlitzer Str. 68, 10997 Berlin
 Another perfect looking cafe. Apart from the coffee here, you can also eat a delicious
 breakfast and have a glass of natural wine. In the hopper is La Cabra coffee.

 Leuchtstoff Kaffeebar  NB
 Siegfriedstraße 18, 12051 Berlin  |
 This is a collective-owned coffee shop, and everything inside is handmade with
 whatever they could find. It shows a very Neukölln-Hipster kind of approach to a
 specialty coffee shop, which basically doesn´t care about fancy furniture and
 designer lamps as long as the quality of the food and drinks is on point. This back-
 to-the-roots coffee shop will change the way you look at setting up your cafe. Great
 food, awesome coffee, extremely laid back.

 Companion Coffee  WB
 Weserstr. 166, 12045 Berlin  |
 The second shop of Berlin favourites. They're known in the Berlin coffee scene for
 sourcing high-quality teas and serving kick-ass coffee.

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