Page 371 - R.S. OWENS - 2016 Catalogue
P. 371
For the fastest service, we recommend providing process-ready and digitally produced artwork. Hard copy artwork will result in extra charges. Artwork requiring touch-up, design, color separation, typesetting or rearranging for use may result in art charges. The factory reserves the right to determine whether artwork is process ready to ensure the highest quality imprinting.
Artwork and Design Charges
Art Modi cation Charge (proof included): $50.00(C) per hour Typesetting: $50.00(C) per hour
Line Drawing: $150.00(G) per hour
Creative Services Fee: $150.00(G) per hour
Halftone Conversion: $25.00(G) per piece
Art Layout
In addition to process-ready artwork, please include a layout instruction page.
A layout is a printed (or printable) version of your artwork that illustrates images, logos, graphics, color breaks, font styles and sizes, and their locations.
Artwork Submissions
When submitting artwork, please include the following:
Production Information
Color ll Charges
For color ll not included in price, or additional colors, please add (per piece, per color): $10.00(C)
• Company name
• Customer service representative • P.O. number
• Product number and name
• Type of decorating process
• Art layout instructions
• Check artwork requirements • Include company name and
identifying information included on any e-mail subject line
While standard colors usually suf ce, occasionally speci c PMS colors are required. Although we cannot guarantee an exact match, we are able to mix enamels to get as close as possible to your Pantone (PMS) color.
Color Match Charges
PMS Color Match: $30.00(C) Insertions
Cards, candy and gift enclosures can be inserted. Please contact our Customer Service department for details and quote.
Minimum Order
For orders less than minimum quantity listed, $20.00(C) run charge will apply.
Every effort is made to ship the exact quantity ordered; however, on all custom items, we reserve the right to ship up to 10% over the ordered amount on like items. Orders for exact quantities must be quoted in writing as such.
Paper, E-mail or Faxed Proof: FREE
$18.50(G) per change
A paper proof will be faxed/e-mailed for approval prior to production. Production cannot begin without receipt of an accepted paper proof.
Virtual Proof: FREE
$20.00(G) per change
Pre-Production Samples
If requested, a pre-production or spec sample will be supplied. The sample item will be billed at regular prices, plus set-up charges and shipping. A $20.00(C) run charge will apply.
Photocast and Double Etched Photocast
Prices include photocast zinc plate. Finish options include Silvertone, Brasstone, Bronzetone and Coppertone. Multiple nishes are available for Double Etched Photocast, call for quote. Nickel Silver or Copper may be substituted for Brass, please call for quote. For etched and color lled, add $60.00(C) set up for rst color, $35.00(C) for each additional color.
All prices are in CAN Dollars.
Single position Deep Etch, Laser Engraving or SpectraPrint included in all prices (unless indicated).
Pricing Without Etching
Use end column pricing. This excludes items that cannot be etched.
Repeat Orders
There is no set-up charge for repeat orders of the same item using identical artwork. For repeat orders of less than $100.00, a $20.00(C) run charge will apply.
Our art department uses CorelDraw. Artwork may be sent on disk or via e-mail in the following formats: CorelDraw (.cdr), Adobe Illustrator (.ai or .eps), or high resolution tiff le (600 dpi or greater). Files must be readable on an IBM PC.
Good quality black-and-white camera-ready art is required. Photocopies, business cards, letterheads, colored layouts, etc. will be subject to clean-up charges of $50.00(C) per hour.
Artwork File Submission for Stock Products
Please include a laser printed hard copy of your artwork with the disk. All fonts must be converted to curves (paths, outlines).
Submit all stock product art les to
Artwork for SpectraPrint
High resolution rastor or vector artwork is required. Rastor artwork can be sent as a .tif, bitmap or .jpg and must be 300 dpi or greater. Vector artwork is preferred for all logos and text.
Photoshop les (.psd) should be sent with logos and text on separate layers.
Solid coated PMS numbers are required for all logos to ensure the closest possible color match. If PMS numbers are not available, a hard copy of the artwork is required in order for us to provide an accurate color match.
Electronic Artwork for Custom Products
When submitting artwork, please include the operating software and version number on your art layout page.
Acceptable software versions include: • Adobe Illustrator CS5 or lower
• Adobe Photoshop CS5 or lower
• Corel Draw X5 or lower
Most imprinting processes require copy and artwork to be supplied in a 100% black and 100% white vector based le (Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw). Four-color process screening requires artwork that is a minimum of 300 dpi and 100% of imprint size.
Artwork File Submission for Custom Products
• All imprint area templates are available on our password protected website and may be downloaded to use for submitting art at 100% to scale. Using imprint area templates may help avoid artwork changes. Contact any Customer Service representative for information on how to access templates.
• Xeroxes, faxes, web images, photocopies, Polaroids or any unauthorized usage of images are not acceptable forms of production-ready artwork.
Standard Colors:
Gold Silver
Red Blue
R.S. Owens celebrating 77 years of inspiring achievement.
generAl InformAtIon