Page 372 - R.S. OWENS - 2016 Catalogue
P. 372

Production Information (continued)
Set-Up and Run Charges
Onordersformultipleitemsofdifferentsizes,theset-upchargeonadditionalitems willbe waived, as long as all items are produced at the same time.
Deep Etching (Glass Etching) Set-Up: $80.00(C) No set-up charge for exact repeat orders
Glass Etching - 2nd position (side) Set-Up: $40.00(C)
Second Position Deep Etch Run Charges
When a second position (second side) is etched, the following etching run charges apply:
Alternative Base finishes
Our acrylic awards feature unique, re ective shapes and designs, mounted on cast metal, satin pewter  nished or nickel-plated bases. Alternative base  nishes available are:
  A: Bright Gold B: Bright Silver
Call for quote
C: Bright Copper D: Black Nickel
E: Satin Bronze F: Satin Silver
G: Satin Gold
 (Sq Inch)
1 - 10 11 - 20 21-30
$8.00 $14.00 $20.00
$7.00 $12.50 $18.00
$16.00 3C
For sizes larger than 30 square inches, add $0.60 (C) per square inch Setup charge of $40.00 (C) will be required for Second Position Etching.
Double Etched Set-Up, per color: $65.00(C)
Laser Set-Up - Acrylic, Stonecast, Wood, Art Glass, FlexibrassTM, Metal: $80.00(C) Laser Set-Up - 2nd position (side): $40.00 (C)
Second Position Laser Run Charges
When a second position (second side) is laser engraved, the following laser run charges apply:
 (Sq Inch)
1 - 10 11 - 20 21-30
$8.00 $14.00 $20.00
$7.00 $12.50 $18.00
$16.00 3C
Shipping Information
Overpacking Charges for All Courier Shipments
For sizes larger than 30 square inches, add $0.60 (C) per square inch Setup charge of $40.00 (C) will be required for Second Position Laser Engraving.
Laser Set-Up - Wood w/Metal Highlights: $90.00(C)
Metal Etched Set-Up, per color: $65.00(C)
Contact factory for Metal Etched second position run charges.
Pad Printing Set-Up, per color: $80.00(C)
Contact factory for Pad Printing second position run charges.
Photocast Set-Up, per color: $65.00(C)
Contact factory for Photocast second position run charges.
Rotary Engraving Set-Up: $30.00(C)
Rotary Engraving Set-Up - 2nd position (side): $30.00(C)
Rotary Engraving run charges
Up to 4 lines: $6.00(C) per award Over 4 lines: $10.00(C) per award
Screenprint Set-Up - 1st color: $80.00(C) Screenprint Set-Up - each add'l color: $40.00(C)
Second Position Or Additional Color Screenprint run charges
When a second position (second side) or Additional Color is screenprinted, the following screenprint charges apply:
We have complete ful llment capabilities to manage call out programs. Please note the following program requirements:
• $1,000.00(X) minimum order
• Program duration: One year
• Remaining product is shipped and billed at year end • Call out charge: $25.00(X) per call out
Collect or 3rd Party Shipments
Collect or 3rd Party Shipments are subject to an additional handling fee, see prices below. Accurate “Bill To” information required to avoid chargebacks. Distributor is responsible for all chargebacks. $15.00(G) fee will apply.
(Sq Inch)
1 - 10 11 - 20 21-30
$8.00 $14.00 $20.00
24-99 100+
$7.00 $6.00 $12.50 $11.00 $18.00 $16.00
Courier over-packing charge of $6.00(G) will apply. Freight charges not included. For discounted rates to apply, complete drop ship details must be submitted in Excel (.xls) format (call Customer Service for template).
Gift Wrapping
Gold foil wrapping paper available: Add $5.00(G) per package.
International Shipments
Add $25.00(G) per shipment. International shipping account to be provided. Any chargebacks, duties or taxes may be billed to the distributor up to 90 days or more (service charge $15.00(G) will apply).
We will use customer labels, if provided, at no extra charge. Charge for typing shipping label is $1.25(X) per label.
Production Time
Unless otherwise noted, normal production time is 7 to 10 working days from approval of artwork, proof and sample (subject to inventory). For orders requiring color ll, add 1 day per color.
For sizes larger than 30 square inches, add $0.60 (C) per square inch Setup charge of $40.00 (C) will be required per color for Second Position or Add'l Color Screen Printing.
SpectraPrint Set-Up (full color digital printing): $100.00(C)
SpectraPrint is available instead of Deep Etch on most  at awards (bases excluded).
SpectraPrint run charges: $12.00(C) per award (up to maximum glass etched sizes). For larger size SpectraPrint, please add $.20(C) per square inch.
Elegance in Awards and Gifts®
1+ 20+ 100+
10-49 50-99 100+
$8.00 $6.50
Multiple identical shipments will be processed at the following discounted rates:
Drop Shipments Shipments
$3.00 $2.75
$2.50 3G
$5.00 3G
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