Page 17 - SIVECO Corporate EN afy.indd
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Sustainable development
Sustainability is part of SIVECO’s core-business, being incorporated in
the development of software solutions with a powerful social impact.
“The 8 report refl ects our achievements for sustainable development, through the year
2015. We strategically target our CSR approaches to educati on, which we consider essenti al
for the sustainable development of society.”
Florin ILIA, President & CEO, SIVECO Romania
CSR Awards & Affi liations
European Business Awards GRI GOLD Community
› Ruban d’Honneur for SIVECO’s Social › Since 2016, SIVECO is member of the
Responsibility Report, in the “Award international GRI GOLD Community,
for Corporate Sustainability” category, established by the Global Reporting
Rome, 2009. Initiative (GRI). GRI promotes adoption
and integration of the sustainable
Pan European Workplace Mobility Plan development principles, having as
Awards members top international companies
from all sectors of activity.
› Jury’ Special Award for SIVECO
employees’ mobility plan to work, Deloitt e Green Frog Award 2016
“Mobility Plan”, Spain, 2009.
› The 2015 Sustainability Report of
SIVECO Romania has won the national
Romanian CSR Awards phase of the Deloitte Green Frog Award
2016 competition.
› Winner within the “Education” category
for supporting the National Conference
on Virtual Learning (ICVL) and the
International Conference on Virtual
Learning (ICVL), Bucharest, 2014.
SIVECO Project:Progress // Page 17