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World Summit Award

               ›  SIVECO received the biggest award for “Kazakhstan, land of the great steppe” application
               in the  category Culture  & Tourism, developed for  the  Foreign Affairs Ministry  of the
               Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017
               ›  Winner for “Special  schools  Portal – Interactive  multimedia  educational  content for
               children with special educational needs” – the highest recognition that can be achieved
               by an IT project, 2013
               ›  1st place for the multimedia content developed on the AeL eLearning platform, Tunis, 2005
            Technology Innovator Awards, Corporate Vision Magazine

               ›  Best Software Products & Consultancy Projects Exporter for remarkable results in selling,
               in the last ten years, of SIVECO’s flagship AeL eLearning platform, 2016
            European Business Awards

               ›  Ruban d’Honneur award for exceptional financial returns, strong growth and innovation
               strategies, 2014
               ›  Ruban d’Honneur for excellence in exporting software products and services, 2013
               ›  Ruban d’Honneur in the Import/Export category of software products and services, 2011

               ›  Ruban d’Honneur for social responsibility activity, 2009
            International Business Awards

               ›  Gold Stevie Winner, within the “Company of the year - Computer Software” category,
            EdTech Europe

               ›  One of Europe’s 20 Fastest Growing and Most Innovative e-Learning Companies, 2013
            EuroCloud Romania
               ›  The ADLIC Cloud system that manages the annual national exams was awarded “The best
               cloud project for the public sector” prize by the jury of EuroCloud Romania, 2013
            European Seal of e-Excellence

               ›  Platinum Medal within the European Seal of e-Excellence competition, 2012
            Computerworld Honors Program
               ›  Laureate Medal for the performance of the IT solution implemented at the Romanian
               Payments and Intervention Agency for Agriculture (APIA), 2011
            eLearning Awards

               ›  Silver Medal  for “Educational  process optimized from  the perspective of  knowledge
               society competences”, within the “Most innovative new learning hardware or software
               product” category, 2013
               ›  Golden Medal for “The IT-based Education System (SEI), in the category “Best e-learning
               project securing Widespread Adoption”, 2010
            European eGovernment Awards

               ›  “Best practice” in Europe for “The IT-based Education System-SEI”, 2009
               ›  “Good Practice” for the National Education Database, 2007
            ICT Prizes

               ›  Nomination for AeL eContent. The Award is organized annually by the European Council
               of Applied Sciences, Technologies and Engineering (Euro-CASE), Brussels, 2007
            Best in BIZ Awards

               ›  Gold Medal in the ”Most Innovative Product of the Year” category for the “Optimized
               educational process in the view of knowledge society competences” project, 2014

               ›  Gold Medal within “Best overall company EMEA” category, 2012

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