Page 11 - SIVECO Corporate EN afy.indd
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Assisting global corporations.
And serving nations.
The most complex local ERP solution on Every 20 seconds, the customs offices in
the Romanian market: 100% coverage of Turkey and Romania solve a transit application
business processes and legal conformity. by means of the modern NCTS system, aligned
Extensive implementation experience in to the European standards.
over 80% of the economic areas in Romania.
Over 18 million students and employees
in Europe, Middle East, North Africa and As quick as a click: 1 second is the average
the CIS area benefit from our eLearning reply time for a credit report request
solutions. by means of the SIVABON solution
implemented at the Credit Bureau.
Every hour, 23,000 medical-pharmaceutical
services are registered and 70,000
electronic documents are generated within
the Unique Integrated Information System 12 complex projects for increasing the
in Romania that manages the health efficiency of managing nuclear production
insurance fund. activities.
The IT system for processing applications
for rural development from AFIR processed
more than 191,000 applications for funding,
totalling over 29 billion euro.
SIVECO Project:Progress // Page 11