Page 9 - SIVECO Corporate EN afy.indd
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25 years

            of successful projects

            eLearning                                  › SIPE – IT System for Electronic
            ›  Education system reform in Malta, for   Prescription,  provides  all  the
                                                       functionalities for generating, validating
               primary and secondary levels            and issuing electronic prescriptions by
            ›  Implementation  of  the  eLearning      pharmacies.
               platform at the American Creativity     › CEAS – IT System for Electronic Health
               Academy, an important school network    Insurance Card, provides information
               in Kuwait                               management and authorization of
            ›  Project for computer-based high-school   medical services flows.
               distribution in Lebanon                 › DES – IT System for Electronic Health
                                                       Record,  manages  data  flows  on  the
            ›  eLearning project at national level in the   medical history of Relevant Medical
               Republic of Moldova                     Data (DMR) of the patient.

            ›  eContent provision for the schools in the   Customized Applications
               United Arab Emirates and Kazakhstan
                                                    ›  Implementation  of  SIVABON  system
            ›  Program for implementing the integrated   (Customer  Credit  Risk)  at  the  Credit
               eLearning solution in Azerbaijan        Bureau in the Republic of  Moldova
            ›  Project for introducing IT into the   ›  Implementation of the  SIVABON system
               educational process in Oman             at the Credit Bureau in Romania
            ›  IT-based  Education  System  (SEI)  -  the    ›  System for electronic documents and
               program for introducing IT into the     workflows management - SIVADOC - for
               Romanian education system.
                                                       the Chisinau City Hall in the Republic of
            ›  Implementation of a complex eLearning   Moldova
               system for the Ministry of Education and   SIVECO Applications
               Culture in Cyprus
            eCustoms                                ›  EAS  system  SIVECO  Applications  2020
                                                       for Banking Sector: CEC Bank, Raiffeisen
            ›  Project for introducing IT into the customs   Bank (Romania), Human Resources and
               system in the Republic of Macedonia     Payroll Management for Bank of Baku in
               and development of the integrated tariff   Azerbaijan
               environment (ITE) systems (TARIC)    ›  EAS system for the private companies

            ›  Implementation of the eCustoms solution   from Manufacturing sector: AEROSTAR
               at the Customs Authority in Turkey      BACĂU, DOBROGEA BISCUIT Constanţa,
                                                       GENERAL  TURBO,  GRIRO  SA,  Kathrein
            ›  National program for introducing IT into
               the customs system, for the National    Romania, MAREX SA, MEVA SA, ROHDE
                                                       & SCHWARZ TOPEX SA, SEVERNAV SA,
               Customs Authority in Romania – New      ULTEX, UMR Rovinari, UZTEL Ploieşti
               Computerized Transit System  (NCTS)
            eHealth                                  ›  EAS   system   for   UNDERGROUND
                                                       DRILLING COMPANIES: FORADEX, Foraj
            ›  Project for introducing IT to the National   Sonde  SA  and  )  for  the  oil  company
               Health Insurance House (NHIH) in Bulgaria   SOCAR in Georgia
            ›  IT systems developed for the National   eAgriculture
               Health Insurance House (CNAS) in Romania,   ›  National program for introducing IT
               integrated into the Health Insurance IT
               Platform (PIAS):                        into the activity of the Payments and
                                                       Intervention Agency for Agriculture
               › SIUI  –  Unique  Integrated  IT  System,   (APIA)  and  for  the  Rural  Investments
               ensures full operation of the whole     Financing Agency (AFIR)
               Romanian medical system.
                                                                                              SIVECO Project:Progress // Page 9
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