Page 5 - SIVECO Corporate EN afy.indd
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The team, is SIVECO’s

            most important asset

            600 employees worldwide

            Structure of specializations:
            Commercial, Marketi ng, Bid, Presales,   ›  eAgriculture - 13%
            European Projects, Structural Funds -14%
                                                    ›  Customized Application Development
            Financial, Administrati ve, IT - 8%        (CAD) - 7%

            Human Resources & Quality Assurance - 2%  ›  eNuclear - 2%
            Operati onal - 76%, out of which:       ›  Project Management Office (PMO) - 2%
            ›  eLearning - 33%                      ›   eCustoms - 1%
            ›  Enterprise Application Suite (EAS) - 10%  ›  Oracle Applications (OAPPS) - 1%

            ›  eHealth - 7%


            Over 1,700 customers in 27 countries on 4 conti nents.

            Our soluti ons address both the private and public sector. Our customers are medium and
            large  companies  from  all  industry  verti cals  and  commercial  sectors,  service  providers
            companies, local and central public insti tuti ons and state owned companies.


            SIVECO  is  recognized  as  one  of  the   Since  1999,  the  company  was  certi fi ed
            soft ware companies with the highest level   compliant with ISO 9001 standard by AFAQ
            of  products  and  services quality, beeing   AFNOR AFNOR, one of the fi ve internati onal
            annually audited for compliance with the   certi fying organizati ons in the world.
            implemented standards.

            In 2017, the Quality Management System has been recerti fi ed by TUV Austria, according
            to the ISO 9001:2015 standard requirements.

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