Page 2 - Gamers Wellness
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       One of the moba games that is currently still popular is played by all

             circles of society such as from young children to adults, namely

          Mobile legend. Most gamers play this game until late at night. Of

        course this is not good for gamers, and if this habit is often done, it

                                              will have an impact on the health of gamers.

                Moonton is a mobile legend game development company, it is

            necessary to pay attention to the condition of gamers. Moonton

          will conduct a #GamersWellness campaign with the aim of letting

                 all mobile legend gamers know about a healthy lifestyle when

                                                                                               playing games.


  1. Invite all mobile legend gamers around the world to join the

      #gamerswellness campaign

  2. Display #gamerswellness campaigns in the home game mobile

      legend display

  3. Provide information related to a healthy lifestyle when playing

      games on all mobile legend social media and in the home game


  4. For  gamers  who  spread  this  campaign  information  to  other

      fellow gamers, they will get their favorite hero legend skin.

  5. Collaborate  with  the  World  Health  Organization  (WHO)  to

      socialize to all gamers regarding tips for playing games healthily

      and Kaiser Permanente which will provide tips on overcoming

      mental health when playing games
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