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                                          & POMMELS

                                               Product Code 1150/1160
                                                                                                                    Hip Guides  Pommels

            HIP GUIDES                                                                            1150
                                                                                             Product Code

            FIXED BRACKETING                                                QUICK RELEASE BRACKETING
                                                                                                                      heelchair Seating
          Part No. 1153 1401 (Bracket Only)                                    Part No. 1153 1402 (Bracket Only)
                                           Strong aluminium hardware.
                                           Firm, comfortable  pads .
                                           Water res is tant/was hable covers .

                                           PLEASE NOTE:
                                           This  s et-up s hows  armres ts  added
                                           to the hip guide as sembly. The
                                           s ame hardware as  s hown can be
                                           purchased as  armres ts  without hip
                                           guide pads  or vice vers a.
                              HIP GUIDE ASSEMBLY SIZES

                           Fixed Hip Guides    Quick-release Hip Guides      Hip Guide Pads Only
                        300mm  Pr   1150 1112  300mm  Pr   1150 1212      300mm  Each   1153 1012
                        360mm  Pr   1150 1114  360mm  Pr   1150 1214      360mm  Each   1153 1014
                        410mm  Pr   1150 1116  410mm  Pr   1150 1216      410mm  Each   1153 1016
                        460mm  Pr   1150 1118  460mm  Pr   1150 1218      460mm  Each   1153 1018
                        510mm  Pr   1150 1120  510mm  Pr   1150 1220      510mm  Each   1153 1020
                       Custom  Pr   1150 1129  Custom  Pr   1150 1229     Custom  Each   1153 1029
                                      Hip Guide Assemblys include Mounting Brackets & Pads
           USE ORDER FORMS C AT THE BACK OF THIS CATALOGUE (Page 154) or login to
            ABDUCTOR POMMEL                                                                  Product Code

                                                    Depth adjus table
                                                    Can be  flipped
                                                    down to prevent                                    Water
                                                    dis comfort during                                 repelling
                                                    trans fers                                         foam
                                                    Removable cover
                                                    for was hing
                                                                                               Pull spring pin
                                                                                               to fold down
                                                              Adjustable bracketing

                                                                             Swing-down Pommel
                                                                 Sml     50mm (W) x 100mm (L) x 80mm (H)   1160 1501
                                                                 Med    70mm (W) x 140mm (L) x 100mm (H)   1160 1502
                                                                 Lge    90mm (W) x 180mm (L) x 120mm (H)   1160 1503
                                                                 Custom           Custom             1160 1505

                             USE ORDER FORM D AT THE BACK OF THIS CATALOGUE (Page  155)                         17
                                             or login at
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