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P. 21

Contouring with the


                                                 Product Code 1208

                                                                                                                    Spex  Backrest
                                          Contouring Cell System

         An adjustable ‘contouring-cell’ cube system is incorporated into the upholstery unit of the backrest to provide easy
         configuration for asymmetrical postures – w ithout the need for expensive and complicated custom seating.

            Cubes  can accommodate up to 4” of depth                    RESULT:
            Cubes  can be removed/added any time                        A contoured backrest, which can be
            Contouring does n’t move or s lip out of adjus tment        simply readjusted as needs change.
            Additional contouring supports  are included with
            every Spex back                                                                                           heelchair Seating

                                                   Add foam cubes
           Unzip cover to expose                   where pronounced
           contouring cube section.                                                             Contour IN
                                                   support is required.
                                                                                               Contour OUT

                                    Remove                                                                            W
                                    for back

                                    Seating solved this situation...FAST!

        As  a  therapist,  when  I  met  and  assessed Before...

        this  client,  I  was  initially  thinking  to  achieve
        positive  support.  I  would  have  to  consider  a
        customised,  moulded  backrest  to  meet  her
        needs due to the marked postural deformities
        she was present with.
        She  has  a  mainly  fixed  scoliosis  concave  to
        left  (some  correction  available  with  maximum
        effort)  and  fixed  rib  rotation  forwards  on  left
        (approximately 5” offset from midline).  She also
        has a fixed pelvic obliquity down on right.
        I was pleasantly surprised, following advice of a
        colleague, that it may be possible to achieve her
        needs with the Medifab ‘SPEX’ backrest.
        Subsequently  this  product  was  trialed  with               After...
        great success!
        She went  from having less than 30%  contact
        with her existing backrest, and significant pain  Theresult isavery happy,comfortable,
        when sitting for any length of time, to achieving  and well supported client, seated with
                                                 a  product  that  has  the  ability  to  be
        70%  contact  and  no  issues  with  pain  when
                                                 easily changed to meet her needs in
        sitting  for  extended  periods.  (Note:  the  Spex
                                                 the long-term.
        backrest is being used in conjunction with the
        Spex cushion which itself is accommodating a  Community Occupational Therapist
        2” pelvic obliquity).                    Christchurch N.Z.

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