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Product Code 1620
The attractive, ultimate transition...
Swingbo allows you to provide children with a self-propelled
wheelchair from an early age. It has functional elements
integrated into its design that meet the needs of parents who
prefer a pushchair concept but have need of a fully featured
wheelchair for their child.
Unique features:
1. Compact tilt-in-space – allows child to rest on
demand and assists with head control.
2. Growth-adjustable seat system – seat pan
slides lengthwise.
3. Wheel guard wheel locks – easily accessible -
encourage independence and control.
4. Pushchair style headrest option – helps to
eliminate ‘medical look’.
5. Pus h handle – height adjustable buggy style.
6. Lightweight – no more than 12kg even with tilt-
in-space and growth (depending on accessories).
1 2 3 4 5
(#1620 4630)
Characteristics of the SWINGBO wheelchair system
Complete package – includes seat and backrest cushions hip
belt and more.
Self-propelling style frame – better manoeuvrability for uneven
terrain than transit styles.
Flip up Anti-
Tilt in space -5° - +45° for full weight-shift tilt. tips with cable
Growth adjustment – seating unit can be extended lengthwise
and also be widened at a later stage with a growth kit.
Backrest recline – this can be adjusted on demand between 70°
and 120°.
Low seat to floor height – encourages sit-to-stand transfers.
Flip away anti-tippers – as standard.
5 frame colour options – yellow, red, blue, green and grey.
Tie-down kit available – (Crash tested to standard ANSI/RESNA Backrest folds down for
WC/19, ISO7176-19 with a 50kg dummy at 30mph.)
stowage and transport.