Page 39 - Y9 Courses Booklet 2021-23
P. 39
Creative Imedia (ICT)
Exam board OCR Level1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in ICT
What will I You will acquire and develop skills in using a large range of software
do on this packages and techniques, including website design, animation, image
course? manipulation. You will also learn about the current techniques and
processes involved in the Imedia industry.
The course will equip you with the technical knowledge, skills and
understanding to use digital computer based applications
competently either in the workplace, or in further education or
training. On completion, you should be confident users of digital
applications who are able to apply their skills purposefully and
effectively in the production of their coursework.
How am I Some of the work completed in Y9 will go forward as part of your
assessed? coursework grade. You will need to gain the highest grade possible in
this work
Type Number Timing % of final mark
Written Exam 1 Unit Y10 / Y11 25%
Coursework 3 Additional Y10 / Y11 75%
What skills Commitment to devote extra time to this Single Award Course and
do I need? work steadily throughout the course, meeting any deadlines that are
Interest in the use of ICT in all aspects of life.
Sound basic knowledge of ICT skills and techniques.
Desire to succeed in an interesting, but demanding course.
Be committed to producing coursework and studying for an exam.
What are the You can continue studying ICT level 3 at Meadowhead and it is useful
progression for a range of jobs across many sectors. It could lead to employment
routes? in the Information and Communication Technology sector
particularly in job roles where you will be expected to use ICT skills,
liaise with users and carry out ICT support roles.
Where do I Mr Kay (Head of ICT), Mr Healey, Mr Green, Mrs Ali, Miss Deal or Mr
find out Benton.