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choose will depend on the nature of the project, the type of information needed the context of the study

              and the availability of recourses (time, money, and human).

                       Furthermore,  Research  can  be  classified  in  many  different  ways  on  the  basis  of  the
              methodology of research. The knowledge it creates, the user group, the research problem it investigates

              etc,. In educational research, it can be divided into 3 types as follows (:

                     1)  FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH:

                     It is basic approach which is for the sake of knowledge. Fundamental research is usually carried

              on in a laboratory or other sterile environment, sometimes with animals. This type of research, which has

              no immediate or planned application, may later result in further research of an applied nature. Basic
              researches involve the development of theory. It is not concerned with practical applicability and most

              closely resembles the laboratory conditions and controls usually associated with scientific research. It is

              concerned establishing generally  principles of  learning. For example,  much  basic research  has been
              conducted with animals to determine principles of reinforcement and their effect on learning. Like the

              experiment of skinner on cats gave the principle of conditioning and reinforcement.

                     2)  APPLIED RESEARCH:
              The second type of research which aims to solve an immediate practical problem, is referred to as

              applied research. According to Kendra, ―applied research refers to scientific study and research that

              seeks to solve practical problems. Applied research is used to find solutions to everyday problems, cure
              illness,  and  develop  innovative  technologies.  Psychologists  working  in  human  factors  or

              industrial/organizational fields often do this type of research. Here are the examples of Applied Research

                     Investigating which treatment approach is the most effective for reducing anxiety

                     Researching which strategies work best to motivate workers
                     Studying different keyboard designs to determine which is the most efficient and ergonomic

                     3)  ACTION RESEARCH :

              Research designed to uncover effective ways of dealing with problems in the real world can be referred
              to as action research. This kind of research is not confined to a particular methodology or paradigm. Thus,

              action research is more systematic and empirical than some other approaches to innovation and change,

              but it does not lead to careful controlled scientific experiments that are generalizable to a wide variety of
              situations and settings.
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