Page 11 - BarrandBarr_Corporate Commercial Portfolio.indd
P. 11
Stryker Orthopedics
Phase II - Corporate Headquarters and Manufacturing Facility
500,000 square feet Stryker Orthopedics
Construction Manager-at-Risk Gore Associates
Barr & Barr had an eight year history at Stryker Orthopedics spanning • Stryker acquired the 48-acre site with the
from 2000 - 2008. Our work includes: goal of centralizing research laboratories,
- Renovation & Construction of a new Corporate Headquarters manufacturing, warehouse, distribution, business
- Training Center Facility and administration offi ces which had been
- Parking Lot Realignment and Expansion housed in several buildings at diff erent locations.
- Manufacturing Building Expansion
• Th e main challenges included the reinforcement
of the existing structure, additional mezzanines,
Phase II of the Corporate Headquarters and Manufacturing facility
installation of an all new facade consisting of a
consisted of a new 250,000 square foot adjoining structure that created
pre-fabricated masonry panel system, a high-
the new headquarters for business and administrative offi ce spaces,
voltage electrical service grid & new power plant
atrium, courtyard, cafeteria, fi tness center and additional manufacturing
and the incorporation of redundancy within the
MEP infrastructure to accommodate capacity
and future expansion.
Th e Training and Conference facility includes lecture halls, conference
rooms, multipurpose rooms with sky curtains and adjoining terraces, a • Critical completion dates to enable occupancy/
library and classrooms. A grand two-story lobby with a monumental start up.
glass staircase welcomes visitors to the facility.
• Close working relationships with Township of
Mahwah Building Offi cials to accomplish multi
phased occupancy.