Page 11 - Newsletter_November2017
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2017 Project Awards
New Jersey Good Neighbors Award
Barr & Barr was the recipient of the 2017 New Good SCUP Excellence In Architecture Award
Neighbor Award for the construction
Eastern Connecticut State University’s Fine Arts Instructional
of NJ Realtors Headquarters. At this
Center received the 2017 SCUP/
reception, awards were presented
AIA-CAE Honor Award. The
to New Jersey companies that have
SCUP Excellence in Architecture
recently built outstanding commercial,
Awards, in partnership with the
industrial, or greenspace facilities
American Institute of Architects
that improve the economy and the
Committee on Architecture for
landscape of New Jersey.
Education (AIA-CAE), is a juried competition. The award
promotes comprehensive campus design that incorporate
strategic and integrated planning resulting in exemplary
buildings, campus grounds, institutional success and careers
that inspire.
UMass Amherst
Old Chapel Renovation
The existing chapel was constructed in 1884 as the campus’ first library and assembly hall. This iconic building
has made many transitions through the years to support a variety of campus departments. Now after 131 years
revitalization of the building was a necessity. Barr & Barr recently and successfully completed this complex
historical renovation. This project since, has won two awards and exceeded its sustainability goals.
ENR New Englands 2017 Best Project Winner of the Renovation/Restorations category
2017 Preservation Award from the Massachusetts Historical Commission
This project exceeded LEED Silver and acquired LEED Gold