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HOSA Health Occupations Students of America
IB International Baccalaureate program
ICCE International Council for Computers in Education
IEP Individualized Education Plan IMPACT Interdisciplinary Middle School
Program for Advisement/ Counseling/Testing
IRA International Reading Association
ISS Information Systems Services
IST Instructional Support Teams
ITECH Instructional Technology ITV Instructional Television
JROTC Junior Reserve Of cer Training Corp
K-12 Kindergarten through grade 12 LAFS Language Arts Florida Standards LAN Local Area Network
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LEA Local Education Agency
LLD Language learning disabled
LRE Least Restricted Environment
MAFS Mathematics Florida Standards
MB Megabyte
MBO Management By Objectives
MENC Music Educators’ National Conference
MHS Melbourne High School MHz Megahertz
MIHS Merritt Island High School MODEM Modulator/Demodulator
NABE National Association of Bilingual Education
NABT National Association of Biology Teachers
NACVE National Advisory Council on Vocational Education
NAD National Association of the Deaf NAEA National Art Education
NAEB National Association of Educational Broadcasters
NAEM National Association of Educational Media
NAEN National Association of Educational Negotiations
NAESP National Association of Elementary School Principals
NAEYC National Association for Education of Young Children
NAFEPA National Association of Federal Education Program
NAGC National Association of Gifted Children
NAPENA National Association of Public Employee Negotiators and
NAPPA National Association of Pupil Personnel Administrators
NASP National Association
of School Psychologists
NASSP National Association of Secondary School Principals
NATD National Association of Test Directors
NBEA National Business Education Association
NCATE National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
NCE Normal curve equivalent
NCEA National Community Education Association
NCEC National Council for Exceptional Children
NCSS National Council for the Social Studies
NCTE National Council of Teachers of English
NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
NEA National Education Association
NFL National Forensics League
NIE National Institute of Education Newspaper in Education
NML National Mathematics League NMSA National Middle School
NPS Nonpublic school
NRA National Restaurant Association NSAC National Society for
Autistic Children
NSBA National Schools Boards Association
NSF National Science Foundation
NSL National Science League
NSPRA National School Public Relations Association
NSSC National School Safety Center NSTA National Science
Teachers Association
NSVP National School Volunteer Program
OCR Of ce of Civil Rights OPS Occupational
placement specialist
OSGA Occupational Specialist and Guidance Association

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