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OT Occupational therapist
OTR Occupational therapist registered
PAC Political Action Committee
PBMHS Palm Bay Magnet High School
PE Physical Education
PEEP Parent Education for Parents of Exceptional Students
PH Physically handicapped
PI Physically impaired
PIC Private Industry Council
PIE Partners in Education
PMH Profoundly Mentally Handicapped
PRAISE Promoting Recognition and Achievement Involving Students
and Employees
PRC Professional Resource Center
PREP Primary Education Program
PRIDE Program to Recognize Initiative and Distinction in Education
PRIME Progress in Middle Childhood Education
PSA Public service announcement PSAT Preliminary Scholastic
Aptitude Test
PT Physical therapist
PTA Parent-Teacher Association PTO Parent-Teacher Organization
PTSA Parent-Teacher-Student Association
RAISE Raise Achievement in Secondary Education
RAM Random-Access Memory
RD Registered Dietitian
RHS Rockledge High School
RIF Reading is Fundamental Reduction in Force
SAC School Advisory Council SACS Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools
SACUS Southern Association for Children under Six
SASBO Southeastern Association of School Business Of cials
SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test SAT-8 Stanford Achievement Test,
Eighth Edition
SBBC School Board of Brevard County
SBE State Board of Education
SED Severely emotionally disturbed SHS Satellite High School
SLB Sick Leave Bank SLD Speci c learning
disabilities/disabled SPL Speech and Language
SS Student services SUNSPRA Sunshine State School
Public Relations Association
TAA Teachers as Advisors TAES Technical and Adult
Education Services
TDD Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
TEC Teacher Education Center
THS Titusville High School
TIFF Tagged Image File Format
TMH Trainable mentally handicapped TSA Tax-sheltered annuity
TSIC Take Stock in Children
UCF University of Central Florida
UF University of Florida
UNF University of North Florida
USF University of South Florida
USOE United States Of ce of Education
UWF University of West Florida
VA Veterans Administration
VH Visually handicapped
VI Visually impaired
VICA Vocational Industrial Clubs of America
VRAM Video Random-Access Memory
WAP Writing as a Process
WBCC-TV Brevard Community College Television
WSJSHS West Shore Junior/Senior High School
• Froke, P., Jacobsen, S., & Minthorn, D., (Eds.), The Associated Press Stylebook, The Associated Press, New York, 2015.
• Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed., American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., 2010. • Sabin, William A., The Gregg Reference Manual, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985.